But I also think we’re witnessing coordinated propaganda. It reminds me so much of the pro-russian trolling and memes that took over 4chan in 00s and early 10s.
Yes, it definitely reminds me of that!!! I have been noticing it a lot here as well and this is also the conclusion I’m leaning toward. I’ve seen a few comments that felt like they are trying to appeal to every side of American politics. I’ve decided to always speak up about it because this feels dangerous. Like they are trying to manipulate western opinions for something.
Please give him my genuine thanks for his service! I also have people I love that work in the field and see behind the curtain so to speak, so I do get a little excited when I can share with others and praise this thankless but very critical and understaffed job in our society. I hope his 2020 wasn’t as bad as the people I knew and he managed to avoid getting sick in those small offices.
But yeah waffle house is a great joke for this too I think! Actually perfect, deal with the worst of shit, no backup or authority to shut down shitty ppl, and always open even when conditions are unsafe.
While I appreciate the spirit of the meme, the “gold” line actually represents 911 operators who are THE first responders. This and fire department I really consider to deserve special recognition when it comes to “thin colored line”
I just really appreciate them and empathize for how shitty their job is (imagine having to talk to a racist and IT IS YOUR JOB to dispatch the police they requested, and that’s a good day where you don’t take a call because someone’s 4 year old found their gun and shot themselves) so anyway wanted to share this little factoid
And yeah a lot of dispatchers suck. High turnover because the job also sucks.
What policies specifically did biden implement that caused public health saftey? And keep in mind ALL of 2019 trump spent it downplaying the virus in every way conceivable and that other republican lead states and citizens listened to and adopted this. If the start runner does a terrible job it really doesn’t matter how well the next person does, they have hurdles no one else has to jump over. Including people believing that the virus is a hoax, masks don’t work, vaccines are dangerous, and even more. That’s an uphill battle. Context matters. And like China literally boarded up or even welding peoples homes shut without consent to keep them from breaking quarantine.
So yeah I get a little fucking pissed off when some comfortable westerner tries to play devils advocate that an authoritarian state that impacts people I love is some sort of intellectual thought experiment of how could it be better than the very bad USA (which also sucks but for completely different reasons!!!) I noticed you completely skipped over someone else’s point that we are free to speak out in America and not really face any consequences but nitpicking some other quotes.
Fuck this shit. I’m seeing so much more pro CCP shit on Lemmy and it is squicking me out. I’m not making this comment to convince you because you have made up your mind and have your own motives for sharing. Here is my movitve for repsoding… anyone reading this don’t believe what this person is saying without some critical thought. All the major governments suck right now to some degree. Be wary of anyone telling you that a government that has historically been horrible TO ITS OWN PEOPLE is for some arbitrary reason better than the west (and oh my gosh did everyone collectively forget HK protests and the human rights violations that happend there ?!!)
Is this a joke??? You are aware that the death toll in China vs other states is not the sole or even biggest reason their government is criticized right? And that for the first, most critical year of the pandemic, America had a president that liberals hated and was HEAVILY criticized. Especially how he handled COVID at literally every step of the way and anyone else who agreed with it. Because you know, it lead to so many deaths.
Ugh can’t we go back to the old school edgelords who think they are vampires and wanna drink blood instead of making excuses for fascist governments and movements?
I haven’t been fully tested but my doctor agrees it is likely I have ADHD and this is all new to me, grain of salt.
I definitely do things without thinking. Drinking, snacking, vaping, reaching for phone just because my hands need to be busy. Mindless stuff.
As for what I think most neurotypical people consider habits I have maybe one that is somewhat automatic for me and that is I ALWAYS do my skincare and teeth before bed. But part of that is because that routine is really good sleep hygiene. Like it is still a decision, still a bit of a chore, but it would feel VERY wrong and off if I didn’t do it.
Then um let’s see I’ve been taking the same medication at the same time for over 15 years now and I still need an alarm on my phone and I have still forgotten to take it if I don’t take it that very second. At least most of the time later in the day I suddenly remember…
I never could get into it. I type like it’s a keyboard I actually don’t even look at the keyboard I am looking at the input field and glancing down if I have to. Swipe sucks for me and is way less accurate than my method and I actually have to focus on the keyboard just to have worse WPM. I also get pissed off cuz if my hands are at all wet the typing tries to swipe.
P.s. it’s hilarious to me that this long existing android feature is treated like some unique cool thing when Apple finally adopts it 10 years later. Like wireless and fast charging. But yeah I’m lame cuz I have a green bubble and don’t use stupid personalized emoji thing
Yup and as far as I’m really concerned enough to speak up to anyone, it’s if they buy their bottled water. Since like, that’s supporting them stealing water from drought stricken fellow Americans. Most people will be willing to try a different bottled water brand. And I think that’s a really good bare minimum boycott that is accessible, easy, and could spread.
Sure for sure. And I’m tired of people treating it like it’s all or nothing, OR that it is stupid to boycott! I have my reasons why I refuse to purchase from this brand specifically and not others. We all only have so much energy (and money, mental resources etc) to be able to do so much. Let’s not shit on others for trying, or others who don’t want to. Maybe their energy is spent on other injustices and boycotts. Or just trying to survive. I dont like that they steal water from drought stricken communities here in America, and what they did in Africa. I have the mental resources and the luxury to boycott them so I do. You don’t so you don’t.
The only jerks are the ones who literally don’t care because it has nothing to do with them.
I dont think that is true any longer. They had stock at one point in Loreal but it doesn’t seem to be the current case when I tried researching it recently. A LOT of luxury salon hair brands are in the loreal umbrella like redken, biolage, and of course loreal.
Yeah and people act like nestle is just gross junk food. Coffee mate, Starbucks (packaged stuff sold in stores)
That said it was pretty easy for me to quit I only really had to replace a few things myself. Loreal would be way harder
While that’s true for over the counter migraine meds which are usually just an NSAID or Tylenol with caffeine, I suspect OP is referring to the preventative RX medication you take every single day and takes a long time (months, irrc) to see if it has any improvement. Which is why it’s interesting that it helps! I wonder if that’s a known benefit.
Also OP hope it helps with your migraines too! They are horrific. And if you’re able and need a rescue/acute med when you do have please talk to doctor about if triptans would work for you. Not recommended for people with Aura headaches or on SSRIs but they work great if you can take them.
Oh my gosh do you remember the name of a show they had in roughly 05-10i era that was just featuring prototypes for future technology?
I remember it featuring robotic exoskeleton, something that I’m pretty sure was Kevlar or at least functions very similarly, a sidewalk that can generate power from people walking on it. I even think it featured an “invisibility cloak” so basically a mix of practicality and stages of development. It was fun. I feel like there were a lot of shows about futuristic stuff then on those channels (discovery package basically if u know u know) right before reality suffocated it. And I can’t find anything about them and they aren’t ever mentioned.