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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


They offer a dedicated IP for around 1 Euro per month. Recently I noticed they also enabled IPv6 natively

My current ISP is VSE, Innogy highspeed, E.on Highspeed or whatever name they’ll be using next. They change their name every few months or so

I only use a vpn on public trackers, on private trackers I don’t use a vpn.

But generally if you don’t live in a third world country you should almost always use a vpn. I live in Germany and luckily my ISP doesn’t care about torrenting.

My experience with hosting mail was very good. I host my mail using Mailu, which is just a docker compose file and premade scripts for the usual mail stack software (Postfix, Dovecot, Nginx etc.). I hosy it on my home network using a raspberry pi. I score 9.8 on mail tester and my mail rarely ever lands in spam.

In total I spent maybe 3 hours setting everything up including my domain and 2 hours debugging issues. I honestly recommend self hosting mail.