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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


caffeine tolerance increases very quickly, so one has to constantly increase the dose for it to be effective. I am currently trying to get a diagnosis after procrastinating for too long on that (why the hell does getting help to overcome my problems require me to overcome my problems). Not sure how caffeine exactly works in adhd brains but for me as how i understand it works in neurotypical also it should be possible to reverse the tolerance for caffeine by spending 2-5 days without any. Having gone through that i can say you need to be prepared to just lay in bed for that time.

About the effect of caffeine diminishing it might be because brains adapt very quickly to it so you might have high tolerance, you could try going for a couple days-week without any and see if the effect on you changes.

In the case of children i would say that having them in the first place(in majority of cases) is a promise that they can rely on you so it is kind of a bad example

apparently many people on this thread

dents and holes are a natural place for liquids like cats to concentrate in.

the title is misleading the the person in question did habitually use thumbs up emoji to agree to contracts but then one day decided that he would suddendly fight it in court for whatever reason to weasel his way out of a contract

yes but not on sundays

I am going on a “bit” of a tangent here but I have long pondered about what is me in the context of teleportation and uploading yourself to become a digital being and other scifi stuff. I think that I am still me as long as at any given point in (space)time there is either continuity of consciousness or continuity of matter if at any point both of those have breaks in them I would consider myself dead, and even if i would come back as a “same person” from that state, i would consider that being still be not me.

By continuity of consciousness I mean an unbroken line of forming memories and me being aware of being conscious and capable of forming memories. Of course memories fade but i still remember that i had the memories of the time so for me it counts as continuity.

Of course there are breaks in that continuity, for example sleeping is kind of a grey area and being so drunk you dont remember anything for me counts as a break.

But at those times there is continuity of matter. While the exact atoms we are made out of change all the time, the change is gradual and thus continous, usually the scenarios where the contiunity of matter breaks are the scifi stuff so i wont spend more time giving examples.

With that in mind the person in my memories is still the same me because we share the same continuous line of history. For me I am not a single point in time, as then i would be a completely new person every moment, but i am the entire history I have gone trough.

even giving just 1 dollar is equal to about 50-500 views

i would imagine there is a way to make mosquitoes just not want to bite humans or remove the reaction somehow in the future.

the inside of the barrel should be made out of beryllium or another neutron rrflective material for more damage but otherwise seems good.