• 3 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


So when the government comes for our guns, who will take them? I always assumed it was going to be, you know, the police.

Hell yeah, I’m down. Honey, fetch the Boba tea straw!

Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure of that. They just haven’t told you about ghost demons and their transgender pronoun agenda yet.

This was fuckin amazing. I chortled audibly, multiple times.

Yeah, I’m not really into that. I’m also not actually advocating for the use of that word. It was more just an elaborate set up for a joke to beat up on a truly vile person for being such unconscionable garbage, you know?

Oh that’s good. He’s like a wet blanket for the fire of progress. That’s also what I hear his wife says about him in bed. 🔥🔥

Ok, so I know “retarded” is an offensive and outdated term, but I propose we redefine it as “being ignorant, knowing that you are, and stubbornly refusing to make any attempt to fix it”.

Used in a sentence: Ron DeSantis is retarded.

I don’t think r/place is going to sway anyone though. And apparently it requires the Reddit app? No thanks.

Delete your Reddit account, uninstall their app, and move on if it really matters to you. Otherwise what’s the point? What good is protesting without action?

Right? There are artists who still care about the album format. King Gizz was one of those gems I discovered that I wouldn’t have otherwise. They’re constantly dropping new thematic albums worth listening to. And you can buy vinyl from many artists these days if you want a physical copy.

I’ve wanted this for years. A car with modern engine and safety features, but none of the other bullshit.

I’m sure sooner or later we’ll find out Bryan Fischer has been appropriating homosexual culture by sucking dicks in a public park.