I don’t think it matters.
I left the site, disappointed, because Reddit was great. I’m a transplant.
I understand why everyone is angry. It’s a natural response, but after 2 months of this you’d think we’d have realized that there isn’t much that can be done.
Reddit is going to aim to profit. There isn’t much to it beyond that.
They don’t give a shit about what a company is doing today, except to the extent it is predictive of the future. Investors look at this and see lots of activity of users who actively hate the company, that’s not future growth
Yes. And if you look at Reddit today, it’s still alive and full of buzz.
The third-party app userbase was a small percentage of the site.
Most people are indifferent and so they keep using it.
At least the picture can convey the protest message so they know we aren’t going to move past it that easily.
As if that means anything to them?
You’re a minority.
don’t go to reddit other than to spread to good word of Lemmy and to downvote admins so I think that has more benefit to us than to them.
Why won’t you all just shut the fuck up with your bullshit.
It would be nice if we all looked around at what’s happening in the world, recognized what we can change, what we can’t, accepted our differences, accepted that we’re human, tried to work together, shook hands and let the best win, whatever.
In this climate, there are too many individual biases in place that prevent that from happening in a way that’s ideal, though - none of us are immune from that, either, unfortunately.
We can work toward it; I’m more interested in practicality, for example, and I try to be aware of my own biases while recognizing the biases of others, without judgement - or at least, with minimal judgement that’s impersonal.
Some people will always be harder for me to connect with than others. That doesn’t make them bad - it’s just a part of the human condition. And sometimes those connections are still very feasible.
It’s usually ok to be “wrong”. It’s usually ok to have an opinion that doesn’t jive with the norm.
It’s complicated. There’s many aspects of feminism that make perfect sense, and it’s more than reasonable for the issues that feminists raise to be discussed. Many (perhaps all - I don’t have a list off hand) are totally legitimate.
There are approaches to feminism that are counter productive…or even just…cringe.
The same could be said for almost any other political issue.
People have been unjustifiably exploited by political issues as well.
I think the media, in general, is problematic. We all rely on it, but it’s too powerful, and the people who have control over what it produces naturally exploit it.
Above all, it’s best to work toward preventing external factors like the media from controlling how you think and feel.
It’s not easy. We all succumb to it in one way or another. Sometimes it even serves a purpose.
The more we’re aware of it, though, the less control it has.
The media is also a tool. One that’s useful. It’s not black and white.
In general, the more we’re aware of how a system itself is designed, and how that affects us, the better.
I know people from many different walks of life who voted for Trump or lean more in the direction of the right; I hold nothing against them for that.
Working toward the interests of society - the best outcome for the majority of people - would be the ideal, but in a way that’s diplomatic and didn’t involve shouting at each other over the Internet.
We might not necessarily be in a position where we can even do that, or at least as well as we could have 10 years ago.
That’s kind of scary.
Anyway, maybe in your case the right thing to do is just take a deep breath; put your phone down, and do something else.
That’s at least what I’m going to do.
Humans definitely gonna human tho.
Understanding that and finding a way to navigate it in a way that’s fruitful is key…
while recognizing that, you too, are human.
but we can just defederate with meta, right? Worst case we set up a new server with how we like stuff incase our server’s admins don’t want to
Not exactly. Technically that might be true, but what will probably happen is that Meta become so ubiquitos is that they’ll influence the landscape such that no one else will want to use a non-Meta instance; that’s their goal, after all.
I wonder why you have that stance. Can you please explain?
I’ve already gone into this elsewhere. You’ll find it if you scroll through my comment history, which isn’t very long.
You can also read about the “enshittification” word that’s been trending, or how this dynamic is nothing new and how the outcome is predictable given events that happened a decade ago with Google and XMPP.
At some point, history just repeats itself. Meta is a fucking terrible company that offers no real benefit to humanity, and will only serve to make things worse.
People like Elon Musk, at the very least, provide narratives that are realistic about what we’re up against.
What people (apparently?) don’t realize is that Meta is aware of the political landscape, and they’re using that to their advantage.
They know that the left is so invested in their hatred of Musk that they’ll be welcomed by them, but what the left doesn’t realize is that Meta is a Trojan horse.
My opinion is that billionaires shouldn’t be billionaires - it should be a crime to have that much wealth.
That said, they obviously do have that much wealth; the world obviously works a certain way and you must accept that if you want to improve things in any real capacity.
People see some billionares die in a sub accident. Yes, it was their fault. Yes, it was incredibly fucking stupid. Yes, the father was a bastard for being so ludicrously careless that he killed himself and his own son.
But they die and we laugh about it and make fun of them because it makes us feel better about ourselves.
And that’s a weakness. It’s low - undignified and an aspect of the Internet and its humanity that should only be treated with scorn.
Then you have these people hating Spez and what he did to Reddit while literally promoting the exact same inevitable outcome for Lemmy by cheering Threads on.
Where is the coherency? There is none - it’s just mob outrage, and that level of incoherency is counter productive.
No no no, those are valid, sure, but they wouldn’t be possible without that initial comparison.
The comparison isn’t between the two of them and the two Nazis, the comparison is between the two of them.
There’s the implication that they’re both “evil” or “bad figures”, which is the entire point. The analogy itself wouldn’t be that great otherwise
Elon is fine in comparison; he’s far less of a problem than Meta is.
The platform at this point may as well already be doomed because of people like you.
Really - it’s like I’m reading the posts of Reddit manchildren who will forever retain their virginity because they’re incapable of understanding how things actually get done.
I guess you can’t expect much these days.
What’s going to happen next? Meta dominates the platform, you and the rest of your kind “protest”, then you fuck off somewhere else and pretend you “won”, while sucking each other off only for a repeat to happen sometime later?
Are you going to wear your fedoras?
I used to agree with the second paragraph, but watching videos of pigs/cows/chickens being slaughtered changed my mind. Imo their prior treatment doesn’t really negate what happens there- and even if it did, I couldn’t use ideal farm conditions as a defense when the vast majority of meat I’ve been eating is raised under less ideal conditions.
Methods of slaughtering them are terrible and absolutely criminal.
One good thing PETA has done is raise awareness about how the meat industry treats its animals - I’ll give them that, definitely.
PETA itself is an organization I place in the same category as a cult, though. Their own practices make the sincerity of their intentions questionable.
Sure. Not sure how that’s relevant though?
In general, finding an exploit requires looking for little tiny details that could exist in, really, any area of a given system; looking for a bug, and then exploiting that bug by understanding how input data can be used to create a deterministic chain of events.
This almost always requires thinking outside of the box.
There are people who are also paid to find these before malicious actors do.
It’s always going to be creative in some way, at least in the beginning.
It’s like when people first discover Quake’s fast inverse square root. Sure, the first time around it seems genius. In reality, code like that is actually everywhere, and there is a somewhat trivial aspect to optimizing those kinds of problems.
Not only that, but with Dems it’s all morphine.
The cancer is terminal.