Da Leute die zusammen gefasst wurden, dann auch zusammen gehängt wurden.
Interessant, jetzt finde ich auch nur diese brutale Herkunft.
Mir wurde das vor Ewigkeiten mal mit Beifang aus der Fischerei erklärt: Hat sich ein kleiner Fisch an einen größeren gehängt, wird er mitgefangen obwohl er eigentlich durch die Maschen gepasst hätte.
Danke für die Info.
Formulars, such as calculating a sum based on the preceding fields.
You’re doing it wrong. PDF with embedded javascript is a nightmare and it still doesn’t make PDF equal to excel.
Better generate your documents with your favourite HTML templating engine from your DB and convert them to simple PDF in the last step.
LibreOffice notoriously renders Microsoft Office documents incorrectly in my experience.
Only had that experience with badly designed, macro ridden documents which there’s no excuse for anyway nowadays. I use a lot of print templates (various label printers) and it works flawlessly.
Also, exporting a non MS file format usually imports fine in LibreOffice, even with complex documents.
The ability to quickly edit PDF makes it the office suite of my choice.
Of course I do and I expect my employees to report such incidents to IT. Such documents are common attack vectors.
In my experience, customers are not aware of failing interoperability or possible security threats and often grateful for such hints.
There’s a reason why libreoffice (and I guess other office suits aswell), evince or antivirus show a big, fat warning when opening such documents. Surely there are cases were macros are useful or necessary, but if they have to leave the company, you’re doing it wrong.
This talk might be interesting for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F2xMw3987I