This is a secondary account. My main account is listed below. The main will have a list of all the accounts that I use.

[email protected]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 11, 2023


All refers to everything that your instance knows about. Your instance only retrieves data for which users are actually subscribed.

All can be weird on small instances if the user subscriptions don’t have a nice distribution.

This is a good point for not choosing too small. I’ve made a couple of accounts, and it looks like when a servers crosses that 1,000 or 2,000 user mark you start getting much better consistency than the micro instances with only a few hundred users.

I usually find that I have to reload a few times if I’m the first person to try to subscribe to a community. That happens uncomfortably too often if the instance is small. Even then, it can take a days or possibly never to properly federate.

I’m sure these issues will be fixed, but for now, I’d like myself a small instance but not too small so as to avoid issues with consistency.

I feel like a gigabyte of installation materials is probably a bit more than necessary.

I don’t think shortage means what they think it means. Just because you can’t find people at the price and working conditions you’re willing to offer doesn’t mean there’s a shortage. It might just mean that you’re cheap.

I hate Pinterest links. I don’t even click if it looks like Pinterest. Might as well not exist.

There are moments where it’s like playing a really good game from growing up but for the first time all over again.

Hear yourself a-crackinn

Like an old kaa-zoo 🎵

Yup. My neighbor’s car is outside right now getting their daily parking ticket. They just pay them because they can afford it.


Argh, rule, now I have to find something to post before I go.