Internet hologram, Reddit refugee, and mod of @FloatingIsFun . Retro game streamer since before Twitch, on hiatus to grind levels in being a dad and ally. Easily distracted by floaty things. he/him
Nice work! If Kbin ever gets a mascot, someone will have to draw it flying with balloons so I can make it @FloatingIsFun 's new icon.
Here on Kbin, the image upload supports GIFs up to 5MB or so. They get still frame thumbnails, but the user can click on it to see the full-size animated version. I’ve attached Higitus Figitus by R!k! to this comment as an example.
I’m a Reddit refugee and I’ve been moving all the pictures and videos from my old niche subreddit to my new niche Kbin magazine. I’m afraid Reddit will collapse, and the collection of floaty things I’ve been building up will become lost media if it’s not reposted somewhere else. I like the Fediverse’s mission and I want to see how the Fediverse develops. Also, I want to have a complete and functional artsy magazine on Kbin to show the others back on Reddit that it can be done well.
For the past couple days, some of my posts have been making Fedia’s home page and apparently other instances’ home pages too. It’s good to be seen, but I’m afraid I’m getting more attention than I actually deserve. I like seeing art of fantasy worlds and interactions, and I’m not alone in that. But, I’m afraid I’m corrupting your feeds with stuff you aren’t looking for, just because I’m doing it first.
Thank you for giving the Fediverse some of that Imaginary Network action I crave from Reddit. I tried asking them to move to Kbin and they aren’t interested. You and @Martineski have been doing a fine job making quality posts and always citing your sources. I hope Martineski’s Imaginary communities come back soon. I want to contribute more to ImaginarySliceOfLife here!
I’d offer my own @FloatingIsFun to join the Imaginary mix, but it wouldn’t work because we accept floaty things that aren’t fictional and aren’t static images. Besides, with that Lemmy/Kbin bug making all my posts appear to come from two hours in the future, I feel like I’ve already gotten more exposure than I actually deserve.