• 13 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


Can’t figure out if I’m outer space or anxiety lmao.

This is real

It’s actually been much better recently ngl

Why won’t this work => why will not this work

Just repost other funny memes you find

Beware of the pipeline

Radical/radical go brrrr

How are you helping during this labor shortage?
I (transbian) am making 50 lesbians pregnant (and therefore in a few months go into labor) Are you doing your part?

This is correct

Adblock detection was a mistake.

Ngl I bet you could 3d print frames for like $1. Heck, buy some dollar store sunglasses and rip the lenses out and use em.

We need cheaper glass frame options

Has some weed, in his feet, he sells crack on the street

They gonna break my neko neko kneecaps

Aka a water fountain lmao.

Would you fill up your bottle at the fountain, then you should be able to juice up your phone.

Imho, it’s a bit like a water fountain. You wouldn’t ask before filling up your bottle. In both cases you as an individual are costing the business pennys.

The only place you mentioned that I personally wouldn’t do it is a store, but that’s mostly because to charge your phone you kinda have to sit by the outlet and I personally see stores as places of movement where hanging out is discouraged. You are supposed to buy something and leave.

But for doctors offices, you’re probably fine, and libraries you 100% all g.

Fuck, I gotta try that at some point

What do you like to put oj minute rice?

We had same breakfast as every day (almonds and rice cakes) then lunch was a turkey sandwich with way too much Mayo, dinner was Chinese food.

Ngl actually pretty good today.

Then of course I ended the day by eating about 7 servings of MNMs so maybe not the best day

Nah, but chatgpt is fun to fuck with