• 9 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Come join us at Elephants! We love these majestic creatures and will be posting pictures, gifs, and memes of them. We also love elephant-related articles and science! [Elephants](/c/[email protected]) [email protected] Hope to see you all there :)

Oh yeah, I imagine it would be monthly. I don’t mind going to my pharmacy because i shop at Costco anyway, and they provide great service. But it would be nice to just “set it and forget it” with a mail0in prescription.

Oh thank you, I appreciate it. I’m able to get my doctor visits be virtual, and he is allowed to prescribe 3 months at a time, so I have to see him every 3 months. I remember when I had to go in. It would be nice to get the meds delivered, I’m just worried about the shortage, but I hear it’s getting better.

People are weird sometimes, I see some innocent stuff downvoted somewhat often.

Got it, yeah, Kaiser is a different beast, but I’ll see if I can do anything on my end. My insurance’s preferred pharmacy is CVS, and I stopped using them cause they never had any Adderall during the shortage.

TIL, I’ll look into this. It would be nice to get it shipped. What pharmacy do you use, if you don’t mind me asking?

Edit: Please note that apparently you can get stimulants delivered through mail.

I mean, that’s literally against the law. I wouldn’t want anyone risking their liberty for my convenience.

Edit: It’s legal for a pharmacy to ship them to you. The entity has to be registered with the DEA.

To my knowledge, you cannot get stimulants delivered, and I have to call in every month for them to get filled. I’m not sure if the latter could be taken care of by the pharmacy. I have Costco pharmacy, and I really like them.

Edit: Please see the comment below, apparently you can get stimulants through mail if you use a mail-in pharmacy. So please check with your doctor/pharmacy regarding this.

That’s too funny! I think I have an image that will help you to never forget:

My husband has a t-shirt that says that with Leslie Nielson on it. He gets weird looks at Costco.

Come show off your beavers (SFW ones) in this community! We welcome all pictures, memes, videos and articles about our dam-building friends. [Beavers](/c/[email protected]) [email protected] https://lemmy.world/c/beavers If anyone wants to help me mod, please send a dm.

I’m really sorry to hear that. I truly believe that psychedelics contain a lot of hope for people like you, and it’s such a travesty that governments won’t allow any research or medical uses. Is there a way for you to travel to countries with less restrictive laws? Of course, it all costs money, including the treatment itself.

Join us over at Psychedelic Therapy to discuss the latest in using psychedelic substances for therapeutic purposes. We welcome anything from personal experiences to scientific articles and talks. Hoping to see you there! [Psychedelic Therapy](/c/[email protected]) [email protected] https://lemmy.world/c/psychedelic_therapy

I would never take a break from my bipolar meds. Like, ever. It would be absolutely insane (literally) for me to do so.

I understand that everyone is different, but for me my stimulants work just as well as I keep taking them without any breaks. Plus, my it’s not something that every doctor believes in. Mine doesn’t.

Thank you, this is perfect for me.

Join us to admire and learn more about bats! [Bats](/c/[email protected]) [email protected] http://lemmy.world.com/c/bats

Post content, even if it’s reused content, just make sure it’s relevant and high-quality. Engage when someone else posts something. Respond to comments. Stay consistent and you will have great success.

If you think you might be depressed, it’s best to look for a psychiatrist who can make an assessment. I’m providing this info for educational purposes only, please don’t diagnose yourself.

To be officially diagnosed with depression, you’d need to have at least five of the following symptoms for at least 2 weeks, and at least one of the boldened symptoms needs to be present:

  • Depressed mood
  • Loss of interest/pleasure in almost all activities
  • Significant weight loss or gain without dieting or significant decreases or increases in appetite.
  • Sleeping too much or too little nearly every day.
  • Moving too much or too little nearly every day in a way that’s noticeable to other people.
  • Feeling fatigued and devoid of energy nearly every day.
  • Feeling worthless or inappropriately guilty nearly every day.
  • Having brain fog and indecisiveness.
  • And, finally, having thoughts of suicide.

More goes into the diagnosis (like for example ruling out medical conditions and substance use), so once again, please don’t just diagnose yourself based on this list.

I agree that I still struggle with the social stuff a lot. The meds do help me with executive functioning tremendously, but they are not a panacea.

You poor thing - please read me saying that with tons of compassion as I have social anxiety myself. Technically generalized anxiety disorder, but definitely with a social flavor to it. I hope you can find things that work to make life better!

Let me guess… ADHD and social anxiety?

Love this, thank you for taking the time to write this comment!

I use Gmail, but it’s more about the process. For my brain, everything needs to be placed into a folder (labeled), and the inbox itself needs to be empty. I have a lot of labels and sub-labels, some of them more in use than others. I hope you get some great answers here, I’m not sure mine is helpful :/

I love this, it’s very assertive and just “live your fucking life”-ful.

Remember to only take and apply what serves you. There’s no need to re-work your whole style if it’s already working.

Yup, I tend to over-apologize, so this is perfect. It’s funny, I also posted this on YSK, and I don’t think the neurotypical people like the whole concept… 😅

One of the major reasons this applies to ADHD for me is the fact that I can fall behind on projects and emails and then feel the need to over-apologize and over-extend myself to fix the problem. Several of these tips address it. It’s more about boundaries than emails per se, if that makes sense… I mean, let me know if you have any questions :)

Definitely agree. I posted it to YSK to reach more people.

I don't know about you, but I really struggle with emails. These sentences were really helpful!

I live in CO, which is a legal state, so things might be different. My psychiatrist didn’t drug test me and didn’t care that I use cannabis. Well, we absolutely had a conversation about usage, and how it can increase risk of psychosis for some people (I also have bipolar, so that’s relevant), but he trusted me to make my own choices after providing basic education.

I’m also a therapist, and I know that in substance use treatment, the “old school” way is abstinence from all substances before you can access treatment. The “new school” way is about harm reduction, not abstinence. Sounds like your doctor could be old school? Are you in a legal state?