It-tech from Finland. Works as a cloud architect. Pianist and synthesizer collector.

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Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


Especially in Europe with exorbitant electricity prices, it’s perfectly normal. The prices just went from like 4 cents per kWh to 40 or even 70 last winter. That made everyone count kWhours really attentively. Now the prices have gone down - in some cases a lot, but the reflex to check prices is still there. A lot of us now have stock-bound contracts, so whatever the current rate for electricity is what we are paying.

That means we all have apps (mine is on my Apple Watch) and whenever the stock price is low we start our saunas, washing machines, ac:s etc. Currently the price is 4 cents per kWh and since the price is determined 24 hours in advance, I can see that the whole day will have similarly cheap electricity.

Meanwhile, a lot of other apps have “not affiliated with Instagram” as a disclaimer as their first line of the description. I was wondering if Apple requires it or even automated it somehow. Screenshot