It’s an analogue of the same subreddit which was spawned on reddit after “momforaminute” became very popular over there. I used to contribute on the dad one on reddit and I’m just a contributor making folks aware of the one here rather than being a mod or anything.
Also, I suppose kids come to different parents for different areas of advice and / or differing relationships with their parents. Certainly that’s the case with my own kids.
I also thought about dads asking for advices from other dads, could it be both?
I don’t see any reason why not but again I’m not the mod.
edit: I do recall quite a few of the folks asking for help or advice being ones who had grown up without a dad and they felt a certain loss in that regard so were reaching out from that perspective. Also people whose father had died and they used to go to them for advice in a specific area.
It’s an analogue of the same subreddit which was spawned on reddit after “momforaminute” became very popular over there. I used to contribute on the dad one on reddit and I’m just a contributor making folks aware of the one here rather than being a mod or anything.
Also, I suppose kids come to different parents for different areas of advice and / or differing relationships with their parents. Certainly that’s the case with my own kids.
I don’t see any reason why not but again I’m not the mod.
edit: I do recall quite a few of the folks asking for help or advice being ones who had grown up without a dad and they felt a certain loss in that regard so were reaching out from that perspective. Also people whose father had died and they used to go to them for advice in a specific area.