• mountain biker
  • whitewater kayaker (freestyle, creek, river)
  • snowboarder
  • infosec and DevOps nerd
  • small feline lover
  • 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


All smart tvs suck. Buy based on picture quality and use a separate box for your streaming.

My gf pays half the mortgage. She lives here. She uses everything. She helps with bills. This is a lot less expensive than if she were paying rent elsewhere.

She also didn’t contribute to: new fridge, new kitchen floor (damage from old fridge), new bathroom ceiling (mold damage), new driveway, new garage, tree removal and trimming, new door (that broke when she failed to latch it in high wind), and all other house stuff.

asking half the mortgage when the burden of all the rest is on you is not asking a lot.