this vegan drama is dumb as shit
the top three vegan communities by users are hexbear, .ml, .world
hexbear has news, opinions, questions from a vegan pov
.ml has similar
.world has a lot of shitty memes
if you are looking for a serious vegan comm go to hexbear or ml. if you are looking for shitty memes go to .world
if you are not a vegan and just want to lolpost ‘but bacon is delicious’ keep it to your fucking self
i’ll take your word for it because i’m not reading all those links. but if it doesn’t reveal real world name / address etc it’s not doxing
dox have to contain personal / private info. this is just public internet usernames
having pictures of your own naked baby is fine and normal. if you think photographing your own naked baby is a sexual act the problem is with you
this vegan drama is dumb as shit
the top three vegan communities by users are hexbear, .ml, .world
hexbear has news, opinions, questions from a vegan pov
.ml has similar
.world has a lot of shitty memes
if you are looking for a serious vegan comm go to hexbear or ml. if you are looking for shitty memes go to .world
if you are not a vegan and just want to lolpost ‘but bacon is delicious’ keep it to your fucking self