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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


Is there something like this but where I can feel like buzz in my head. It’s like all of my senses are vibrating. I can feel this vibration intensify when I move my eyes or turn my head. It’s usually coupled with deep task paralysis and disassociation from the world around me.

I wish I could find the right combination of words to describe this feeling. Back in the day we used to use these metal stakes pushed into the ground. Plug the stakes into a wall outlet and it drives the worms up out of the dirt, easy way to collect bait for fishing. Anyway, sometimes you had to twist the the stake in the dirt to adjust it a bit and when it was plugged in, those stakes have this weird electric buzz feeling. Closest thing I can get to describe the feeling.

One reason is a specific manufacturing process known as Kaizen. Here is a quick blog I found that describes it.

I am actively job hunting right now. I don’t job hop too much. When I can focus and engage with my work, it’s amazing. My last job was 12 years and I’ve been at my current gig for 5.5.

In my current job Im a department head with zero supervision. It sucks because I crave feedback and direction. But I talk to my boss for 15 minutes every week and otherwise im on an island by myself. I derive a lot of my self-worth from my work, I know I shouldn’t, but it’s complicated.

I also work a high stress career in a thankless industry that I despise. Very much want to “get out” and into something that is more of service to my community. Sadly those types of jobs don’t typically pay well.

Thanks for the recommendations. I don’t really read much anymore. Something I used to love that I can’t even force myself to do.

I looked up that RSD and holy shit that hits home!

My buddy had that catastrophic burnout years back also. He keeps telling me “yours is coming, just wait”. He had a good financial cushion to fall back on when his happened. I don’t have that. If I lose my job I’ll be homeless in no time. I honestly don’t know what I’ll do if this gets any worse.

I plan on talking to my therapist in our next session. I like the work we are doing on other stuff, but I really need the help with the brain fog and getting my shit together to keep my job.

I have done a sleep study! I have 2 types of sleep apnea and I use a bipap. I get a solid 7 hours of sleep most nights! Not sure on the “deep %” part though. I’ve always been a shallow sleeper and am a chronic sleep procrastinator.

I live in the PNW and it’s a 6 month wait list to get any kind of mental health care that I can’t give up my therapist to get another.

Haven’t done a hormone test though. Is that like testing T levels and stuff?

Thanks! I think a lot of my current problems are layered in with high workplace stress and burnout along with the ADHD symptoms. Big feedback loop or some shit. It really sucks.

Burnt Out
Like the title says, I am burned out. Im a 45 year old American male and I don’t even know if I have a formal diagnosis yet. I am currently working with my primary care provider and am seeing a therapist that claims she is a specialist in adult ADHD and it has been months. I remember as a youngster that my mom took me to the doc for hyperactivity somewhere around 2nd or 3rd grade. Somewhere around 1985 or 1986. That doc said I had ADD but it was probably cause by a sensitivity to “red food dye”. “Don’t let him eat red food and he will be fine”. It wasn’t fine. A few years back i was diagnosed with GAD and Depression and was given medication for those which helped me for a short time with depression stuff but didn’t do anything for the root of the problem. I moved across the country and started working with my current doc and he prescribed Wellbutrin for my depression and said it’s also prescribed for ADHD. It wasn’t doing anything for the depression and I’ve since stopped all meds and now am working with this therapist. Therapy is going well enough dealing with trauma and those things. But we aren’t doing anything with my ADHD which is my biggest problem. I can’t focus at work. Executive function is gone and has been for a long time. Every day for like over 2 years is complete task paralysis. My wife and I use this analogy about spoons to discuss mental capacity for life. Everybody has a certain amount of spoons in their drawer. Tasks and thoughts use up spoons throughout the day. Once the drawer is empty, there’s no more to give until you was some dishes and replenish (nap or a nights sleep or something). Well I’m out of fuckin spoons and every time I check the drawer there are fewer and fewer spoons to work with. I really hope there is a path to something resembling “better” because I do t know how much more of this I can take”.

Personally, I find that people are most in need of someone to listen to them and validate their feelings. Don’t have to fix it. That was always a mistake I made in the past. I’m a fixer. If I see a problem, it’s my problem and I need to fix it. Just listen and be supportive.

Depending on your relationship with the person, it’s also sometimes okay to challenge distortions or exaggerations. My partner has started doing that for me and it’s been really helpful to reframe my problems.