Tons of great advice I here.
I want to add that in addition to processing your feelings around that guilt in healthy ways, it is also a good idea to check in and see if you’re doing the things that will help make managing your ADHD easier.
Things like:
Those take work, especially when the ADHD fights back against forming habits, but they can help create a positive feedback loop.
I also recommend taking 10 minutes a day to just sit, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. If you notice your mind wandering, congratulate yourself for noticing, let the thought be, and return to your breathing.
Every time you “notice and return”, that’s one pushup towards building the muscle that recognizes when (especially unhealthy) patterns of though start to form. That will help you make good choices about when and how to engage with those thought patterns before they sneak up on you and start driving the bus.
In writing it out, I was very conscious of how long its been since I was doing it regularly, and how I’m absolutely going to start it again “soon”.