old, stupid
we joke about nothing disappearing from the internet, here is a perfect example of that not being the case.
i have a short list of files ive been attempting to get higher res versions of, but every time i go and look, the resources get fewer, even for those bad res copies, if they are still there at all.
i once had to buy a disk off … ebay. that was a low day.
youre forgetting that in the real world if its not about making money, it wont happen. youre immersed in a society that doesnt even want to give life-saving medicine at-cost to those who need it, cuz profits.
theres this insane notion that if your business or portfolio isnt growing financially, your business is a failure. untenable is putting it nicely.
i feel this. i had to toss a wall of dvds i had previously ripped… they melted in the garage. but i figured, owell, i have the data.
then 1080 came out and i realized my mistake. ive spent years upgrading my media. im up to the M’s i think… there are plenty of scrapers out there for auto-torrenting, but ive had no luck doing it in volume. ymmv
i bet the nice folks over at [email protected] would be happy to answer those questions/offer surrogate parental support