
I love tech, especially Open Source Tech

  • 4 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


I can totally relate to this. My wife gets so frustrated with me when it happens. LOL. I just shrug and say sorry, can you repeat that again! 😒

I met my out of pocket for the year. So I had the pharmacy fill it with brand. I’ll do that again this month and then I’ll figure shizzz out!

Has anyone else seen a shortage of the Generic Vyvance since the drug went Generic?
I was thrilled to see Vyvance finally go generic, but now it's on a major delay. Ugh. Has anyone else been hit with this? Luckily for the rest of the year IBX (my insurance) will cover name-brand Vyvance and pay for it. Next year's gonna be fun! (Sarcasm)

Though I’ve never been questioned LOL 🤪

I keep an extra pill bottle with me and if there is more that one type of med in it I label the pill box so I have record if questioned.

I take some CBD or some Weed Light or have a beer and chill. Go on social media then do all those things. LOL

But then you’re on a whole other level. But true sometimes it slows the brain down a little. CBD is great too.

But I can listen to a podcast. But I’m usually doing something else at the time.

Ironically I guess I wasn’t in the mood. We own it I’ll try and watch it again sometime.

Who else finds it really hard to watch a movie straight through?
I just bought the new Spiderman Multiverse movie to watch with the family. The wife is sleeping through it and the kiddo loves it. But I'm to ADHD to sit through it. Ugh frustrating.

Thanks. Spelling is not my strong suit!

Thanks. That was my goal but geez the vitrol.

I was just making light of the fact that I do have ADHD and didn’t think. I made a mistake. ADHD Or not.

A bit harsh for one mistake. Geez. All I can do is say sorry. Just thought it was a great event. Shouldn’t have posted it with the affiliate link. Geez.

Yep. I made a blunder and I am apologizing.

What a surprise I didn’t RTFD. Wasn’t really meant to be an ad, though it was. More for benefit of the community. But I get it.

I apologize
I posted an affiliate linked event. I apologize. Didn't RTFD. Which I should have. But not surprised since I do in fact have ADHD and am impulsive. I agree this was a bad call, I should not have posted this on my admin account. I didn't know I had GOD powers. Eeek. I thought it was more informative than spam. Again, I am really sorry. I will get better at RTFD'ing.

Was more for ppl to be aware of the event. Should have left off my affiliate link. But did get good feedback. Also probably impulsive of me. I wonder why lol. Again. I’m sorry.

Sorry. I really am. I took it down

to[email protected]Deleted

Yea lol! 🤭😁🦄🐸🥸🤣

I feel so sorry for you bud. Best of luck. I hate having to call the Pharmacy every month to tell them I want my meds bc they’re controlled. Seriously. Just assume I want them. 🥸

to[email protected]Deleted

I’m going! I went last year and it as GREAT! Claire puts on a great event!

Especially Nat Geos. Those things are valuable.

Donate them to the library or used bookstore

All the .ml domains are gone for now. Mali the African country who is .ml took over their domain suffix this past week. So everyone is trying to figure stuff out.

Don’t give up home. We’ve got you. Keep talking and advocating. I still have no clue what country you’re in that would be worst HC than the US.

Liftoff is pretty slick too. Though it has a padding issue on some drop downs.

Good question. I tend to try and keep the most important on one list and then try really hard to put the less important somewhere else. LOL

She sounds like a great partner for you! 😁

You’re more organized that I am. Wow! Good for you! Glad it’s working!

Also my Remarkable 2 Tablet has been a god send.

Man this thread isn’t one bit written by a person with ADHD. Is it? LOL

I also don’t know what I’d do without a to do list to check off and my Google calendar.

How do you deal with your ADHD?
No judgement? Do you use strategies or meds or both? I'm curious. For me both. But without my meds I'm pretty useless.