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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Thanks, I was definitely drunk last night. The meme is still bad though.

Sounds like you don’t like thought so you make fun of those that at least try.

This sounds like the epidemy of weaponized ignorance.

You know I thought it was weird it had instructions for putting it in the back seat of the car when I was just trying to see my fucking monitor

That’s arguable but the biggest selling point for apple is the plug and play environment and ease of use.

Definitely fuck apple but the got some of it right.

Damn dances! I hope you stay in debt forever to pay for my social security!

Man I have like the exact same back story

I had that chair. It’s fucking terrible. My back has never been so sore

If there’s a lot of background noise then that’s understandable but for example, the other day I went to home Depot to get some tools for a yard project. I asked an employee where the tillers were and she just said ‘what’ like 3 times in a row. I just said nvm and looked on my own.

I don’t know, I guess it just makes it seem to me like the person is not listening to me so why waste time?

Thing is, you’re not essential. If you left the company would move on. Maybe you should look elsewhere.

Lol no I’m walking away after the 3rd ‘what’ a person gives me in a row. That’s a huge pet peeve of mine.

But you could also theoretically buy that car and own it. If you bought that car no one would say, well, you only paid for the right to drive it temporarily.

What a shitty take. You can tell the guy afterwards via messaging. Not hard…