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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Aug 10, 2022


yes americabad

russiaworse and chinaworse tho

All the examples you gave are examples of not owning.

GOG games are DRM-free, so you will only lose ownership, if GOG ceases to exist and you don’t have a local digital copy of your purchase. This would be similar to losing or breaking a DVD, only that you can get as many replacements as you want as long as GOG exists.

I don’t know any example of legally aquiring DRM-free digital copies of movies or shows, but I think Bandcamp would be the music-equivalent for that.

i find uppercase letters useless most of the time, because having two symbols for every letter seems kinda redundant to me? also it looks way cleaner for me that way. especially the ‘I’ in english is horrible, just use ‘i’.

What do you mean by “owning”? Steam/EpicGames game and Amazon movie like owning? That would not be owning, but since they are commonly refered as such “owning” makes sense. It is important to differentiate this with GOG Game like owning, because GOG games are, once downloaded, completely independent of GOG and the Internet. Similar to that would be pirated Movies, and most pirated Software with the difference that you don’t legally own it. Like a stolen DVD lol.