/u/outwrangle before everything went to shit in 2020, /u/emma_lazarus for a while after that, now I’m all queermunist!

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 10, 2023


You’re talking about using your personal connections within the community to slowly assemble a farm from small acquisitions like their deceased father’s garden and then leveraging those connections to find people to help you work the land. People that don’t need to give you their land and don’t need to work your land, they’re actually choosing to do it freely. That’d actually be amazing if it ever happened.

That basically has zero relation with how farms work under capitalism.

A person who could actually assemble a farm through small land acquisitions through the power of friendship probably deserves it tbh

Personal property is for personal use. That’s it.

Once you start to accumulate surplus property then its very obviously not personal anymore. A person that doesn’t want a garden won’t have one to sell you, because they wouldn’t have one in the first place.

Don’t think in terms of “right” and “wrong”. Think materially.

You and your community collectively owning and operating a farm is literally a communal farm.

You could have a personal garden, but to have a farm you’d have to obtain a lot of land. Then you’d have to make the land productive with either large and resource hungry machinery i.e. capital or you’d have to obtain and exploit the labor of farm workers to work by hand.

Oh those I machine wash. Fuck using a washboard lol

Tbh I don’t think I run the faucet for 30 seconds to wash dishes for the day. It’s basically just cutting board, knife, a plate, and a bottle. 10 seconds max

I’ll remember that on the rare occasions I cook up food for lots of people, though. That’s definitely more than 30 seconds!

I cook and washing utensils isn’t hard?

I think that’s only true if you’re actually filling the dish washer with dirty dishes. It would take me long enough to fill my dish washer that it would start to stink.

I haven’t used my dishwasher or dryer since I moved in to my trailer. Hand washing dishes and hanging clothes to dry doesn’t take long enough for me to give a shit lol

Those people are in their 30s now lol

Except for the Black protesters that keep turning up “”“mysteriously”“” murdered.

This country has a long history of silencing people who speak frankly and critically of the government, especially (but not limited to) when minorities speak out against systemic oppression. They’re banning books that talk about those struggles! Surely you see it?

Not really, some groups get banned for being anti-Chinese (and usually fronts for US imperialism lol), but I’ll grant that the current state of queer rights and acceptance is behind the West. It’s mostly kneejerk anti-Western culture war bullshit (that is being inflamed by the US using us as political pawns), but there have been recent moves towards acceptance that I’m hoping lead to more progress on the issue. There are reasons to be optimistic about China’s future.

Are there reasons to be optimistic about America at this point?

Biden had a majority in the House and Senate and he didn’t do anything with it to mandate vaccines or masks or social distancing or remote work or anything - worse, he didn’t even try. He just continued the same Trump-era policies and waited for the vaccine to fix everything.

I can certainly say it’s not all his fault! America is becoming ungovernable and essentially Balkanizing, with fascists passing all sorts of laws to force minorities to flee to other states. Biden isn’t superhuman and there’s no way he could force this shithole country to stop killing itself.

I’m only saying China is the lesser evil. How can you uncritically bring up Hong Kong protests and not the BLM uprising? Or the fact that America’s prison population is comparable to China’s despite being dwarfed in size?! America oppresses its own people, think critically!

EDIT Like, fuck, I’m trans in a red state. Am I going to end up in a fucking camp after Trump steals the election?

Biden’s policies were just as bad! The majority of the deaths occurred after Trump left office!

The World Bank and the United Nations seem to trust China’s raw/crude death rate. That’s why, by looking at that death rate, the article I linked was able to find 1 million excess deaths that China isn’t reporting as COVID mortality. It’s pretty convincing?

Poor humans, they need to help each other groom :CCC

I guess we’ll see if China’s life expectancy stays above America’s over the next few years.

2020 to 2021 to 2022, it’s gone down every year. Will this year buck the trend? I really hope so! I doubt it.

We got lucky with COVID being something we can make a vaccine for - it could have been a lot worse!

I brush off China lying because they definitely, unarguably had a lower infection rate. We know the surplus death rate because they can’t hide that, and that’s literally the worst the COVID death rate could possibly be. In all likelihood there are other factors that account for surplus deaths during the pandemic, so assuming literally every excess death was from COVID isn’t even correct! The numbers are in fact probably better than my rough math, because I was just assuming the worst case scenario for the sake of argument.

China’s COVID response was absolutely stellar and saved millions of lives and they should be praised for it. They probably lied (to maintain social cohesion and keep up public support for the extremely effective zero COVID policy) and I don’t agree with that choice, but I recognize that they blew everyone else on the fucking planet out of the water even though they were literally ground zero! That’s amazing!

Meanwhile, the West sacrificed us all for the money line and also lied. Objectively worse.

Even if you don’t think China is good, it’s pretty clear they are a lesser evil.

Better to die free than be lied to, right? 😂

And America definitely hasn’t lied at all about its COVID numbers! 🤣

I actually wrote that comment out a while back when arguing with someone about zero COVID and wanted to make sure it carried over to this lemmy profile lol

thx btw :3

flashbacks to long car trips with my dad listening to the oldies station

It’s like I’m a kid again!

I’ll preface this with saying I understand China probably lied about its numbers. There’s no way the zero COVID policy actually resulted in zero COVID.

According to that article, COVID may have resulted in a million deaths in China above the long-term trend line in the last 3 years. This is known as the excess mortality rate, which we can directly compare to other countries even if China lied about COVID mortality (and hey, maybe they did - it would be in their own interests so it’s plausible)

According to this article, since the pandemic began the US’s excess deaths have also sparked sharply even as the COVID mortality rate falls in official government data (sound familiar?) FTA: Since the pandemic began, excess deaths are up by more than 1.25 million in the U.S., about 15% higher than in the pre-pandemic years. That’s worse even when you don’t take populations into account!

Now we can do excess deaths per capita to compare these two policies:

  • China’s population is notoriously huge, with currently 1.412 billion people living in China. 1 million excess deaths among 1.412 billion people gives us an excess death rate of ~0.07%

  • America is a much smaller country, with 331.9 million people. 1.25 million excess deaths among 331.9 million gives us an excess death rate of ~0.38%

That means America’s policies were 5x worse on a per capita basis. The zero COVID policy wasn’t perfect, but it was a hell of a lot better than the Let 'er Rip! policy of the rest of the West.

If China had responded as badly as the US and had an excess death rate of ~0.38% then over 5 million people would have died. Zero COVID saved so many lives that Chinese life expectancy actually rose above American life expectancy!

America is the worst of its cohorts, but the rest of the West failed too!

  • France had 151,000 excess deaths. At that rate China would have lost over 3 million

  • Germany had 254,000 excess deaths . At that rate China would have lost over 4 million

  • Britain had 237,000 excess deaths. At that rate China would have lost just under 5 million.

In fairness, China only barely outcompeted South Korea at 42,000 excess deaths - at that rate China would have lost 1.14 million instead of a measly 1 million. That’s still 140,000 lives that were saved because of zero COVID that would have died with the extremely effective South Korean policies.

In conclusion, China is a positive force in the world and I know which side I’m on in the next Cold War.

Pick a side liberals. 😘

It’s amazing how we’ve allowed a lack of regulation to completely destroy a fundamental form of modern communication. You basically can’t call a stranger and expect them to answer the phone, everyone is screening all their calls because more than half are scams!

Being as good and cool as a poster takes practice.

Stop being afraid of failure!

Perfect mental health means you can handle the isolation and boredom, though. With natural talent you could become skilled at imagining yourself not being trapped in a gravity well.

It is when you work 2nd shift 😂

If OP can’t afford a house or dental then the meme is accurate to them and millions like them. Dental insurance isn’t guaranteed, after all. Capitalism requires winners and losers, and losers don’t get houses or dental insurance.

Like, my dude, there are Americans that can’t afford to take $20 off every paycheck (and that shit only covers cleanings, hope you don’t get a chipped tooth!)

It’s possible as long as competition exists, but every market trends towards monopolization. EEE is real.

Thanks for the citation - 52% is just barely a majority, but technically correct!

So uh, the rest of the article vibes pretty strongly with the OP. Millennials are worse off than their parents

Did that policy become law?

Meta seems to be trying to commercialize ActivityPub, so maybe???

A majority definitely don’t. The stats I’m seeing put it at around 45% for millennials, and under 35 it’s just under 40%

Everything you said is true, democracy does not exist under the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. I’m just saying, centralization isn’t the problem. Furthermore you can’t escape capitalism by decentralizing.

That’s about the animation quality of the cartoon, yeah. DPRK doesn’t have a huge television budget

Hmm, do I take the $16/hr that’s 1 hour away or the $17/hr that’s 90 minutes away…

Yeah, but now I binge on vegetables and have to shit all the time!