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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


That hadn’t even occurred to me. 😂 There I am, setting up tunnels on each server like an idiot…

Yeah I’m pretty sure it’s the Armv6. Will give that a go. Cheers.

Cloudflare tunnels on a pi zero?
I use Cloudflare tunnels for most of my self hosted stuff and I wanted to point a subdomain at my piHole, but it seems that you can’t install the cloudflared software on a pi zero. Is there any way to get this working? It’s not a massive issue if not as I’m currently just pointing to my Pi-hole from my load balancer but it would be nice to have everything tunnelled.

Have a look in to Twingate, that should do exactly what you need.

A small amount of text and a link to my mastodon profile.

FWIW I tried AdGuard as I liked the look of some of its features but it slowed my connection down massively - sites would take ages to load.

I may have done something wrong but I tried quite a few things but went back to PiHole as I’ve never had any issues with it.


I actually did quit using them. But it wasn’t a case of switching from cigs to vapes and then just quitting a few weeks later.

I smoked for over 30 years and then moved over to vaping. I then vaped for about 7 years before finally managing to quit. That was 557 days ago now.

I will say coming off the vapes did seem easier than coming off cigarettes which I’d never managed to do previously,

Whether the vapes actually helped me quit I can’t say for sure but when I was on them I didn’t stink of smoke and I’m sure they are probably more healthy than actual cigarettes and they’re much cheaper so I look at the time vaping as a positive comparatively speaking.

I haven’t had a Google router in a while so I don’t remember if it’s possible, but can you access the router settings via a browser using the router’s IP address (maybe something like

No I don’t. I get he isn’t to everyone’s taste but his videos I think are enjoyable because he obviously has enthusiasm and I e set up a home lab running proxmox, a load balancer, monitoring software and a heap of other stuff because of him.

It needs an “Under construction” animated gif

I know some people dislike NetworkChuck but this video should help you get things going.


Somebody get Adam Savage, Jamie Hyneman and a very sensitive set of scales…

I have things scattered around different machines (a hangover from my previous network configuration that was running off two separate routers) so I’d probably look to have everything on one machine.

Also I kind of rushed setting up my Dell server and I never really paid any attention to how it was set up for RAID. I also currently have everything running on separate VMs rather than in containers.

I may at some point copy the important stuff off my server and set it up from scratch.

I may also move from using a load balancer to manage incoming connections to doing it via Cloudflare Tunnels.

The thing is there’s always something to tinker with and I’ve learnt a lot building my little home lab. There’s always something new to play around with and learn.

Is my setup optimal? Hell no. Does it work? Yep. 🙂

It’s never too late to make a change. Be the you that you want to be but don’t judge your worth against other people’s achievements.

Set a goal for yourself. Learn Japanese, release an app, cure cancer, whatever you want and aim for it on your terms. But be realistic and if needs be set a small goal first and work your way up.

Edit. Typo

At least I suppose they’re not memes that start “someBODY…”

Take off and nuke that fucker from orbit.

I’m with BT in the UK and whilst this is somewhat true (as in if we lose power my ip normally changes) my ip does change from time to time for no apparent reason.

I have dynamic DNS set up for my services so it’s not a major pain but I do wish I had a true static IP.

Personally I just use the search function at the top of the website or in Memmy to look for keywords and hope for a match.

Also as others have said you can block NSFW stuff which should help.

I’m utterly convinced at this point this dude is pranking us HARD. 🤣