
  • 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 10, 2023


Come on, old man, you and i used to punch Nazis, and now you’re defending them?

No offense intended at all; I thought it was a great meme

Ah, geez, Butch, the hemorrhoids in my ass are flaming still

Wait whoa wait hold the fuck UP just one damn minute… You mean to tell me that’s not what a habit feels like? What in the FUCK!?

The brand is the corporate iconography, typography, etc. Not necessarily the name.

…no matter where he ends up :)

Stuck in middle management

Is this Fortunate Son?

Omnilingual and perfect health. Boom. Next question.

I love that we can post actual pictures in comments here

Why’s the bastard got a donk though

Whip that muthafuckin thang out

“Even Columbo?”

Especially Columbo”

She’s living in their heads rent free