You literally made up an argument no one made in this thread.
I literally was not confined to this thread, which is blatantly obvious if you know how context works.
The fact of the matter is that it is unwise to have both secure and insecure messaging side-by-side.
Skill issue. If it’s too hard for some people to pay attention to what they’re doing and use a tool correctly, they can buy a Vsmile. This is all ignoring the fact that no human being could possibly fuck it up on Signal unless they’re too illiterate to send text messages—or indeed use a cell phone—in the first place.
Was that the punch in the face, or was it all the morons intentionally misinterpreting this argument and saying “but why would u want to send nonsecure messages are you aware SMS isn’t secure it’s like so insecure to send SMS bro it’s not secure it’s like literally a security risk bro SMS isn’t secure at all and also are you aware SMS security is poor”
Kill spiders. Behead spiders. Roundhouse kick a spider into the concrete. Slam dunk a spider larva into the trashcan. Crucify filthy arachnids. Defecate in a spider’s food. Launch spiders into the sun. Stir fry spiders in a wok. Toss spiders into active volcanoes. Urinate into a spider’s gas tank. Judo throw spiders into a wood chipper. Twist spiders’ heads off. Report spiders to the IRS. Karate chop spiders in half. Curb stomp pregnant arachnid spiders. Trap spiders in quicksand. Crush spiders in the trash compactor. Liquefy spiders in a vat of acid. Don’t eat spiders. Dissect spiders. Exterminate spiders in the gas chamber. Stomp spider skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate spiders in the oven. Lobotomize spiders. Mandatory abortions for spiders. Grind spider larvae in the garbage disposal. Drown spiders in fried chicken grease. Vaporize spiders with a ray gun. Kick old spiders down the stairs. Feed spiders to alligators. Slice spiders with a katana. It’s time for total spider death.
I dream of jobs that exist in a non-scarcity post-economic society, because those are wholly voluntary and fulfilling jobs that benefit the worker and society. And because I want to be in Starfleet and rail Orion broads on Risa.