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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Counting calories/macros is good thing to do to zero your brain in on what foods contribute what - it’s honestly quite surprising and informative to do. But, doing it constantly is kinda obsessive and annoying. Same applies here too.

Feral cats are usually pretty easy to distinguish. They’re often in poor condition; skinny, dull coats. They have outbreaks of cat flu when numbers build up, with gross mucus around their eyes, and they are mostly wildtype tabby. You know you have a problem when you start seeing them frequently stalking through the hedges and you start seeing the same cat causing trouble. They shit in the hay barns and cause toxoplasmosis-induced abortions in sheep and humans, not to mention the catastrophic impact on native birds. They need to be controlled. Taking every feral cat in to see if they are chipped is really not an option practically, financially or sensibly.

Even so, mistakes are possible, but if at any point they directly start attacking livestock, like chickens, it really doesn’t matter if they are a pet or not. That’s the outcome for any animal hassling livestock, including dogs, and it doesn’t matter a jot if they are someone’s pet.

For the love of God, no! It ain’t a host if it ain’t up. This will just end up being very annoying.

Ah, well I come from a more brutal rural background I guess, but if any cats cause me problems with the chickens it’s a cage trap followed by a .22 to the head through the bars of the cage. Quick, painless, no burden on animal control but understandably some people would be reluctant to do it. I do the same for friends with feral cat problems who are uncomfortable with the final act.

I still find it abhorrent that people put animals in sacks and drown them. That really makes me feel ill (and angry), but I can swallow the lump in my throat when I have to dispatch a cat, sheep, chicken knowing that it’s the way that causes the least stress, and there really are no better options.

Assuming you’re in the US (I’m not) it can’t be too hard to find a gun-toting maniac to do the deed! (sorry)

I’ll take the downvotes for being evil now if you wish.