That seems like an interesting idea. But even if it dosen’t look like Wikipedia I don’t really like the “look and feel” of MediaWiki for what I want it to be.
But posting it on a private lemmy instance seems like a really nice thing. As noted in another comment that is probably the route I will go for now.
That is actually interesting to know. Could you maybe link a blog that is using the plugin so I can see how it looks both on the Wordpress page and on Mastodon?
What I realized is what I really would like is for the blog to present itself to lemmy as a community and each blog post as a post in lemmy. So everyone that has a lemmy account somewhere could comment it and follow the blog just like a community on an instance. But I don’t think there is a plugin currently available like that. So maybe the best I can do right now is what @[email protected] is doing and posting the blog entry as a lemmy post aswell.
I’m actually already using mediawiki for my own notes, but the quality I write down for myself is not as good as I want to publish. 🙈
I also don’t find the style of mediawiki that nice and was specifically looking for something different that makes things look a bit more polished just from the styling itself.
But I suppose it would also have it’s benefits using a software I’m already familiar with. 🤔
[email protected]> Audiobookshelf
I didn’t know that existed and now I love it and started up a docker container for it!
Thanks! :D
I almost deleted it but decided an edit would be more fun. I’m glad I didn’t delete it now 😊