• 4 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


This comment hurt me on a deep level.

PSP was the shit.

Edit: and vivid scenes of using it and CorelDraw just popped into my head. Damn it.

These jokes can get rather convoluted.

Also you don’t need a blue check mark to post relatively longer paragraphs.

I never use the same exact password twice, but let’s say there’s a pattern involved. The only way someone could figure out my passwords is if they compromise my account on multiple websites, get the passwords in clear text, and figure out the overarching pattern.

I really really hope my credentials aren’t compromised now.

Edit: I recommend logging out on the website if you’re logged in, just in case they messed with the JavaScript files to harvest login tokens/cookies/etc.

Self-medicating with Modafinil?
It’s super effective (and legal to purchase over the counter where I live), but it gradually loses efficacy, and by the third/second week of a modafinil cycle, tasks become harder, focusing becomes a challenge and I gradually lose all motivation. In the end I just give up and enter potato mode again. And what I meant by a “modafinil cycle” is that I use it for three weeks or so then stop it for a week. Then I start using it again. My problem is that I have a huge work load recently and it’s getting harder to keep up. So I’m wondering if anybody else does the same? Am I slowly destroying my brain capacity by doing something dangerous? Do you have any tips or know any alternatives to what I’m doing?