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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 16, 2023


Figure 4 shows the age distribution of tested cats. Most vegan cats have been between 1-10 years while there were many meat fed cats up to 24 years old with a general distribution towards the older ages, while vegan cats drop off sharply after 10 years.

Also there were only 127 vegan cats out of the 1378 overall cats tested. That’s not a significant data set to draw definite conclusions from, especially considering how many old meat cats they lumped into the same pot as young vegan cats. At no point in the study do they clean up for age.

I don’t trust this study at all. That’s what you base the health and wellbeing of animals on?

What’s your opinion about cats killing birds?

What’s your opinion about cat holders that let their cats roam outside?

What’s your opinion on cat holders that keep their cat inside all day?