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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 27, 2023


They’re in it to get their enemies: those city folks not going to be so smug when they have a dictator running their lives are they? Look at them run with the abortion ban, imagine how funny they’ll look when the police are bashing their heads in. Making us look stupid all those years, I’ll show them who’s boss.

Just ask them how come you can find plenty of swastikas at Trump rallies, plenty of merchants selling them too, but none of either at Democratic rallies?

Are the communists supporting the Republicans?

Are the Republicans communists?

Finally why is the person you’re talking to aligning themselves with communist sympathisers?

Same. It’s a shame not enough weight is given in the interface or most intros. It’s really the best way to discover great content.

Search for hashtags then add them to your follows, that will show you any post with those hashtags, from there you can follow people that seem to interest you.

I would also like to add value to this discussion by saying: this

I was there the first time. It feels different now - people are contributing and having discussions. Certainly a better quality of discourse than any other social media I’ve used.

How dare you speak for me?..

Bloody hell, I haven’t participated this much for at least a decade.

Would be nice if there was a way for posts to be flagged such that memes and shitposts and more serious discussions could be separated, so you could filter depending on mood.