• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


We get a lot of visitors and the place shouldn’t look like a frigging bat cave.

A genuine laugh here, that’s me, too. The energy saved is minimal.

Am I the only one would prefers the place to be very very bright (not white light, but lots of warm lights)? At least when I want to be awake… night time needs to be super dark for sleeping and being restful, the morning needs brightness to get me up or I feel in a funk. It may also be exacerbated from the ‘comedown’ of my meds, but if I had electric blinds again or if I could have someone open my curtains for me in the morning to get me up, I would definitely do it.

I was diagnosed at one place and saw another psychiatrist in another to get my current prescription.

Thanks, good ideas. I didn’t exercise much outside of cycling (and some idiot managed to bump into me by not indicating so I snapped at them pretty badly), will make time for it this week.

Thanks, I usually do have caffeine on the weekend but didn’t for this one. Good idea to make it more consistent.

Thanks, I will make sure I take quarters only. I guess it all builds up then by the weekend going cold turkey I just… ran out of spoons.

I don’t know how, but half of my students (I tutor online) are neurodivergent too, which suits me just fine.

Changed meds, now getting irrationally angry on downtime
I was initially given Ritalin (10mg pills) to try out; I cut them into four pieces each and spread it over the next month and a half. It worked well, allowed me to work, and felt 'smooth'. I ran out, found that they are expensive here (I was diagnosed and prescribed a week of pills - 14 - initially in Taiwan), and went to Thailand (neighbouring country) to get more. Turns out the place I went to only had Rubifen, a generic variant. It was about the same as I paid for Ritalin so I thought why not, and got enough to get me through the next year. Fast forward a month and a half... when I am on my 'off' days (Sat & Sun, when I don't need to work or study), I am now reacting to things pretty badly. I snapped at my partner very easily, I almost put a window through because I knocked a bottle over, and generally had a miserable weekend. With Rubifen, I feel fine, able to complete tasks, work and whatnot. Without it I'm not sure I should be around other people. Is this normal? Will it level off or should I go and get something else instead?

Why are you being aggressive? They didn’t state which medication they are actually taking so it could be one on the list mentioned.

Have other things to do. I’m studying my master’s degree so it’s helpful to fill it. Otherwise do the things you enjoy, but set a timer/alarm so you don’t have to think about going to work.

Shorts and trousers sometimes, jumpers and hoodies I rewear a fair few times. Underwear, socks and t-shirts never.

If it’s just you، no worries, but if you have two or three kids it’s not unreasonable.

Got any holiday plans? You can do it in another country easily and cheaply (and quickly).

And my calendar, I don’t understand how anyone could function without.

I’m afraid that it will render me a zombie or that I’ll lose a sense of identity or the tenacity/creative spark which fuels me.

It makes mine better, I don’t lose anything except my inability to do things; my concentration goes up and I can focus, it’s so much better for my creativity as it feels it has unlocked.

Do the generics work exactly the same as Ritalin? I assume so because they’re chemically the same, but just wanted to ask as the prescription filler is not responding to me at the moment.

Sounds familiar… I have been using a pill cutter to make my 10mg pills into quarters, so I’m taking roughly 2.5mg each time which really helps. I will get more pills later in the month so I can experiment to see how much of a difference there is between 2.5 and 5 (or more), but even 2.5 has such a marked difference on my alertness, concentration and behaviour.

Everything you’ve said here and in your OP is me; I’m on small amounts of Ritalin now (I have to micromanage how much I can take due to cost here before I can return to a cheap place!). Please go get seen and prescribed something, you’ll be so happy you did.

Do you feel you need that time after those seven hours to just be ‘lazy’ or at a state of rest due to the productive nature of your day?

Great write up about how some of us can get the motivation we need.

Indeed that, and just try them to see which you like. Eating the cheap stuff is fine, you do you, but there’s a reason we have more expensive stuff.

You’re clearly a nasty person who should have stopped responding after your initial, pointless comment.

My £4 a week pasta habit for something I enjoy is not throwing money away. If this was truly the case then restaurants wouldn’t be using better brands than supermarket own brand stuff. Nor would I choose the £1 box over the 40p pack when I could be saving money. Di Cecco is another brand which is good but not so easy to find.

Especially for pasta. I only really eat Barilla, and do it a minute less than they say on the packet for al dente. Rolling boil first, salt, chuck pasta in, stir it so they get a good coating, cover, stir every other minute, drain immediately then mix into whatever sauce I’m cooking (or sauce into the pot with the pasta) to cook it in for a minute.

None of those seem like respectful uses of books.

Depends where you are; in the UK I take them to charity shops or give them to people who would appreciate them (just a few to each person or it gets a bit overwhelming). You can also leave them out on the street in a small box with ‘free’ on the side. There are some places with free ‘library’-type places that you can leave them in, or put them in cafes/leave on trains.

The consent one is a great addition! I’ll be adding that to all the computers I see as I’m fed up of being asked.

Whatever seems good also, handy for football highlights and the like. Thanks!

I thought your productivity was meant to increase, not go down to zero. :P What things have you found which you could recommend?

Notion.so has been something I’ve been warming to of late for planning, writing, noting things and whatnot, like a Google Doc but better organised for your personal stuff.

I think I’ve only had one interaction which was needlessly hostile here; everyone else is lovely and just happy to be here in a place which you can still see the value of a smaller user base.

That’s not how it works; there aren’t ‘special’ things which only manifest themselves in us, they are human aspects.

Because so many of us have quit using them, as you can ween yourself off of the nicotine with lower and lower concentrations.

Look at the first entrance on, people would be trying to come on and that would possibly cause a hold up if you stayed left.

It’s not so short, and you would be blocking people from two entrances.