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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Atoms will fall apart and reach equilibrium too. No more atoms.

The concept of heat as we know it will be gone. If there’s no differences in temperature then there’s no heat.

Fun fact: “the heat death of the universe” refers to the death of heat, not death from heat. Heat itself will die. There will be no more warmth in the universe, everything will end in cold and dark and ice.

Nicotine is literally a natural pesticide, it’s actually quite destructive towards everything it touches

That is absolutely not true lol

It’s not even harmful at the levels present in cigarettes.

It’s all the OTHER stuff in cigarettes that kills you.

I’m saying it’s not like some weird esoteric thing that we don’t see anywhere else in the medical industry. Heart disease from smoking isn’t more expensive to treat than heart disease without smoking.

“Smoking-related diseases” are just cancer and heart disease, mostly.

Well there’s really no safe level of anything. Literally everything you do increases your odds of dying. It’s all about proportion. Breathing doesn’t increase your odds of dying very much.

The conversation around nicotine is severely lacking in comparisons of scale. It’s all like “IF YOU SMOKE LITERALLY ONE CIGARETTE YOU WILL DIE OF HORRIBLE CANCER” which is a ridiculous thing to be putting out there. I get the intent, it’s because cigarettes are addictive and smoking one usually leads to smoking more, but it really makes it difficult to get a sense of how harmful cigarettes actually are at lower dosages.

That first study you linked was a good one in this regard, but the summary still couldn’t help but tend towards “you smoke at all, you will die”. A graph would be helpful.

Actually, I’ll just make one.

Can we ban the “hahaha I want to die” teenager edginess? It wasn’t funny in the middle ages, it’s not funny now.

I started smoking as a teenager because I thought it would make me look cool and get girls.

And I was totally right.

Might actually be the case, some studies have suggested that smokers are much less expensive to society than nonsmokers because they die like 20 years younger

I remember when it went up to $5.55 and I realized that was the beginning of the end

I don’t know OPs intent when they said aggressively



That’s totally fair, the whole conversation was getting out of hand

The original post was an image with the text “Hey you, straight dude: are you attracted to women or to femininity?”

I posted a response that said I like boobs & pussy, and then someone (who turned out to be ace, and just was curious) asked if I would date a trans man.

Ah, okay. Because behaw defederated they’re not seeing anything from They’re also not sending anything to But they are sending stuff to, so you can read that stuff.

I wonder if they’re seeing my responses, from kbin, to your comments, from, on

but it’s weird so its gonna happen

But it shouldn’t happen.

“This is how things are” is a terrible excuse for why we should allow them to be that way.

Hopefully you’re just being sarcastic tho

Let me just make sure I got this right

Dee is on

Zoop is on beehaw

This thread is on

So Dee and Zoop can see each other’s comments since neither nor beehaw is defederated from

It’s like a border state or something

Most people seem to agree it wasn’t transphobia, but here’s the context:

There was some transphobia that came crawling out like usually happens when a trans topic starts getting active, but they got shut down pretty quickly

I like “queer” personally because it’s more inclusive

And easier to say

I’m not particularly attracted to any gender; I have no gender preference. I am however exclusively attracted to female sex organs.

The original thread asked “Hey, straight man, are you attracted to women or to femininity?” I didn’t answer that question because I think the question was too vague. I think “straight” means you like female sexual characteristics. Pre-op trans man, post-op trans woman, cishet woman, they all qualify.

I’m not attracted to any particular gender. I am attracted to female sex organs. If those organs are attached to a man, still find em attractive.

Thread was nuked, here’s my response

The full comment, not just one cherry picked sentence

I hate to say it, but of the 7 trans women I’ve known, 6 have been like this. Everyone is the enemy, giant chip on the shoulder.

I mean, I get it. I grew up very poor, and for a long time any time I saw a rich person I wanted to deck them. Even if they did nothing wrong personally. Because my life was hell and they didn’t have to go through it, and they’re passively contributing to the system that made my life hell. So I hated them.

So yeah, I think trans people are just people, reacting to a hateful and cruel society in the way that any person would.

It is difficult to stay friends with someone like that. A lot of trauma. And collateral damage. I know, I lost friends over my issues.

Strangely enough of the 4 trans men I’ve known, none have been like this. Maybe they just internalized it.

I would totally date a pre-op trans man if they were okay with me liking their boobs.

Gotta be a pretty rare scenario, but if it happens, sure

There’s a trans man who posts some nsfw pics that I follow, and his philosophy is “please enjoy my boobs while you can, bc as soon as I can afford it I’m cutting em off”. If I knew him irl, I’d enjoy the boobs irl. But even then, he’d have to be pretty nonchalant to not get triggered or depressed by my appreciation of his feminine body, so I dunno if it could work out. Not to mention the more masculine he gets (hormones, surgery, etc) the less I’d be physically attracted to him. So definitely a short term thing.

Hi, you had a comment deleted by moderators. I can see in my notifications “Good question, why don’t you try answering it rather than…” but I can’t see the rest.

Since there’s no PMs available I created a magazine here where you can respond without getting banned/removed:

If you want

Edit: also anyone else who wants to cuss me out or something without being banned/removed please feel welcome, just don’t spam

Why would I try a relationship with someone who hates - and wants to remove - a part of themselves that I enjoy? That sounds like the opposite of fun

I see a lot of people talking like they would just avoid such relationships, but I’m not sure how possible that even is

There’s like 4 billion cishet women

Sad thing is I know a Karen and she’s an absolute sweetheart, the kind who would eat the wrong meal if it was delivered to her in a restaurant, and still leave a tip

The thread in question was asking about the specifics of what straight guys are attracted to.

Hence why the dating thing probably wouldn’t work out

I hate to say it, but of the 7 trans women I’ve known, 6 have been like this. Everyone is the enemy, giant chip on the shoulder.

I mean, I get it. I grew up very poor, and for a long time any time I saw a rich person I wanted to deck them. Even if they did nothing wrong personally. Because my life was hell and they didn’t have to go through it, and they’re passively contributing to the system that made my life hell. So I hated them.

So yeah, I think trans people are just people, reacting to a hateful and cruel society in the way that any person would.

It is difficult to stay friends with someone like that. A lot of trauma. And collateral damage. I know, I lost friends over my issues.

Strangely enough of the 4 trans men I’ve known, none have been like this. Maybe they just internalized it.

Oh hey that’s me

Haha transphobic

Hello, I’m the one in the image

Someone asked me whether I would date trans men.

Hope that clears things up!