IED(EDS) sufferer and spectrum surfer. You probably won’t like what I have to say.
There’s also a subset of us that were exposed to random, horrific child abuse and developed crisis management skills early out of necessity.
When one of my sites had 2 feet of flooding in the server room and everyone was freaking out, I stepped in, downed the racks, cut the power, and began moving the equipment before my phone even rang.
They praised me for this but in my heart I knew it was nothing compared to having your bedroom door kicked off the hinges by a drunk, angry man four times your size at 3am because you dared to go to bed without emptying the dishwasher.
If I can survive that, no other crisis compares.
There are several studies that show neurotypicals react 30% more negatively to neurodivergent speech EVEN IF THEY ONLY GET A TRANSCRIPT!
They are programmed by evolution to ostracize us. And no one takes it seriously.
Imagine starting every interview, every job, every class, and having a 30% disadvantage in social interactions with EVERYONE, AND the inevitable meltdowns when that disadvantage becomes to difficult to bear.
They really don’t give a fuck.
Powermods like that don’t usually have only one account, and since they can mod themselves wherever they go, they usually do.
Nuking an account is just changing skins. The admins have the power to track and fix that, but they won’t.