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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


To be fair, if you can’t figure out how the syntax works based on the clear text, and usage everywhere else in Lemmy, you shouldn’t be allowed to host a community.

If people can’t be arsed enough to even get their post format correct (when it is clearly described in the post rules), they don’t deserve the free promotion.

Caffeine isn’t addictive. Your body acclimates to long term usage, and you will experience some withdrawal symptoms but this is classified as a dependency and not an addiction as it does not trigger the reward mechanisms like weed and or methamphetamine does. It’s an important distinction and is why coffee and tea are often served at [Addiction] Anonymous meetings.

Yes, we’ve established that’s what you’re trying to do, for the 2nd pitiful time now.

Do you also think the husband isn’t being abusive because the battered wife let the food get cold? ‘It is not abusive because he gets a hot meal out of it’. That’s what you sound like.

Service is still paid for with user’s data, including the datapoint: is intolerant of ads.

I don’t see how YouTube can be abusive

Do you also not see how a Tyrant boss that screams and belittles their employees is being abusive? The employees are free to quit and find work elsewhere right? Oh wait, freedom to avoid abusive behaviour doesn’t make that behaviour non-abusive!

I’ll also add that Youtube’s ads aren’t the only way you ‘pay’ for the service. They gobble up all the data they can glean from your interactions with them. So much data most people don’t even really understand how much they’re giving away. This data is sold sure, but it is also used to inform the algorithm on how to make the service more addictive to the users. That is to say, some of the abuse is insidious. Are drug dealers paragons of virtue when they offer free samples?

No other service advertises as obtrusively as Youtube does. Twitch comes close. The reasons they get away with this are:

  • the service is designed to be addictive, and

  • they have an effective monopoly. No other free service (and paid for that matter) comes close.

Both easily defined as abusive.