It gets easier to comprehend when it’s tempered by the knowledge of global literacy rates. In the US, for example, 54% of adults read below a 6th grade comprehension level.
More than half the planet can barely analyse the nuances between two similar statements, let alone comprehend anything that takes a formal education to learn. As a result many people lack the communicative skills that enable us to avoid conflict because they literally lack a conceptual understanding of the many words they don’t know or understand correctly.
Hell, try even explaining concepts like context and nuance to many people and their eyes glaze over. I’d like to think it’s a largely fixable problem due to insufficient education, but another side of me remembers all my classmates in highschool who failed English.
Eh, I personally took the route of becoming comfortable with my consumption of pornographic material. Who cares if someone sees, it’s not like your putting identifying info all over your account, right? And the sort of person who’d take the effort to try and use the things I like against me are hardly the sort to have opinions valuable enough to concern myself with.
Personally, in retrospect, I feel like Bethesda games did less “push the boundaries” and more “spread the spill”.
Skyrim was always touted as this deep character development based game, but in terms of functional combat mechanics and interactability it felt wide as an ocean, but actual meaningful character development both personal and story driven, seems only as deep as a puddle.
I disagree on the fundamental level that if someone “intelligent” chooses to follow the ideas of idiocy it’s not proof that the intelligent can be swayed, but that the individual is objectively less intelligent that previously assumed. This is reinforced when someone more intelligent isn’t swayed by said idiocy.
Yeah, you came back like the unrelenting masochist begging for a slap. Let me guess, report my messages? Pathetic, you engaged willingly and couldn’t put your ego in it’s place long enough to walk away, and in response you result to actively trying to attack and harm me by inconveniencing me with a potential ban. You really are a weak minded pathetic example of a human.
I was right, someone should slap your father for not having the decency to wipe you on the curtains.
Well that’s easy enough when you have the numbers and the content or you buy it and don’t support it, zucc is trying to do it to twitter right now with threads, reddit did it to digg, reddit did it to reddit, , lemmy is doing it to Reddit, Google did it to XMPP, Microsoft has killed numerous budding technogies by driving them into obscurity, how many examples do you need?
No it doesn’t they come from the same Abrahamic source, your fairytale is no more real than theirs.