Thanks for the response!
My main desire towards C# is that i’m 100% a microsoft guy. I’ve always used Windows OS. I’ve tinkered with MacOS and Linux but I just, I cut my teeth from when I was a child to well in adulthood with Microsoft and it just feels like a natural fit for me. So I’d like to have as my main language be the #1 supported language by Microsoft because I want to make Microsoft applications. I wouldn’t necessarily call it a fanboy thing, it’s just a comfort thing. I know my way around the OS like riding a bicycle
How is Godot compared to Unity?
I’m on my language journey, and I’ve made stuff in Python, and I’ve also got some work in javascript and html. Eventually I’d like to learn C# as my main, working language so that I can make efficient windows apps and maybe hopefully create a game in Unity.
But if Godot is strong and it takes (practically) python, maybe I’ll give that a go.
I use Skype for work