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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


I will look into those. Thank you for taking the time to type it all up, kind stranger

This is a really good idea. What program did you use to convert them?

Oh Bob’s Burgers is an awesome idea. Adding that to my rotation

Mostly dramas: Bones, House, Criminal Minds, NCIS. Plus Stargate SG-1

I watch a tv show on my phone. I know it goes against all the traditional advice, blue light is bad for sleep, blah blah blah. For me, it means I can get 7 or 8 hours of sleep instead of 3.

I don’t watch just any tv though. It has to: 1. Be a show I know well enough where I can tell which character is speaking when I’m only listening. 2. Have a good amount of seasons (8 or more) so I don’t get to where I’ve memorized the episodes and my mind starts to wander. 3. Is one I know in general what’s gonna happen with the characters (so I don’t have to stay up and find out what happens) but isn’t one I love so much that I can’t stop watching. And 4. Doesn’t have a bunch of nonverbal stuff that’s important to the plot.

I have a sleep headband with little speakers in it so it doesn’t keep my partner up. When I’m ready for bed, I make sure my screen brightness is turned all the way down, I put on my sleep headphones, and I lay down and close my eyes to listen to the show. Usually I can fall asleep in less than an hour, as long as I keep my eyes closed. Otherwise I get caught up watching the show and before I know it I’ve watched 3 episodes and I’m still awake.

I had to read it twice. I forgot what the top said when I read the bottom

We’ll have to try this. E we do have a “brain break” when she gets home from school, but some kind of puzzle game to get her brain back in gear might be really helpful.

The Car Song - The Cat Empire

It’s funny because last week I was listening to this song again and thinking about 15 years ago me hearing this song for the first time. And how much it resonated with me because I totally related to the “I really need to buckle down and apply myself but something always distracts me and crap now it’s Monday again where did time go” undercurrent in this song.

I’m glad you were able to find your kid a better school. We’ve been working on some accommodations too, gotta stick up for our kids, right?

I hate it even more now that I have to force my daughter to do it. Truth.

I like the scrap paper idea. So simple. She gets 20 minutes of free time when we get home and then we get started. All of her work for now is on paper worksheets, and she hates writing. I’m looking forward to when it becomes electronic assignments just so we can use voice to text.

Thanks! We’ll try some lofi tracks. I always forget they’re a thing, so I should probably look some up now.

That Hovr thing looks awesome!

I have on my todo list to try this out, thanks for reminding me it exists

Yeah, you’re right. Switching what we do even throughout one evening would go a long way. I pretty much almost never had homework until I got to college, and that was a very rude awakening for me. I had no study skills, and I’m determined to better equip her.

That would be amazing. We’ve been fairly lucky so far - up until now it’s just been reading (which she loves to do) and spelling words to practice (which she usually gets through in about 5 minutes). This year it’s still usually just those, plus the occasional work that she didn’t finish during class.

But last week she was sick 3 days so we’ve been trying to slog through a pile of makeup work and I realized we may need some more tools in our homework box before she gets to middle school.

ADHD parents: how do you help your ADHD kid with homework?
I need all your tips, tricks and ideas - both to help my kid get started on and finish her work, and to help me get through it. Because currently it’s painful for both of us. I feel like I want to crawl out of my skin, sitting with her and trying to make myself stay focused so I can help her stay on task. What does your evening look like? How often do you take breaks and what do you do during the break? Do you have any fidgets, wiggle chairs, etc., that you keep in the “homework area” for them to use while they’re doing their homework? Anything you’ve learned almost always derails things? What we’ve tried so far (she’s in 4th grade): - Do one entire item (ex: worksheet, reading passage, spelling list) then take a break and do something fun - this works for some things but others we’re sitting there for 20-30 minutes struggling to finish it - Set a timer and do as much as she can in 10-15 minutes then take a break - this works well at the start each evening but each time it’s more of a struggle for both of us to come back and do more homework. I feel like it may be too many transitions for our tired, end-of-day executive functioning abilities (or lack thereof). - Earn a small piece of candy for each question answered, math problem solved, etc. - This works well for math, but I don’t like to use it before we eat dinner, and usually we do at least some homework before dinner. I just want to help her find some skills she can use to tackle “have to do” things - because as we all know it’ll be a daily struggle even as adults (at least during the work week).

I saw one recently someone dressed up like a ghost for Halloween

I’m quite happy with US Mobile. Runs on Verizon towers (I think there’s an option to do T-mobile instead?). We have 3 lines sharing 12 gb for $41.