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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Every time my router restarts I get a fresh wan IP. I can also manually grab a new one via the DHCP release/renew functions in it’s config page.

I torrented the vast majority of my growing 28tb library without a vpn over the last 7ish years.

This year alone, I’ve received 45 email notices from my ISP forwarding copyright claims to me. Neither the ISP nor any claimants have taken further action and the content in the claim(s) has always finished seeding and been removed from the torrent client by the time I’ve received the notice. (the notice specifies a particular torrent title/filename)

Despite not yet having legal issues or service interruptions; I have just recently decided to switch from torrenting to usenet via Frugal Usenet+NZBGeek (usenet provider+indexer). Better availability (In 2 days, I grabbed 2.8tb of content I hadn’t been able to find via torrents and 15+ indexers), continuous 70+mbps downloads, and no need for a vpn while also not receiving anymore copyright claims for only about $6/month.

My problem with it is how inconsistently things get placed.

App downloaded an image: it could be in the apps main data folder, DCIM, Pictures, Documents, or even a new folder at the base of the tree. Add an sd card and that list doubles as all those same locations exist separately on the sd card as well. (I’ve had images land in all 10 of these locations before)

/edit missed the ‘download’ folder. 12 possible locations.

Been a bit since I tried: has valve done anything to improve the bot situation, or is the game still unplayable?

Last time I tried to play; I got into 3 games over 2 weeks that weren’t already infested with aimhack bots; but you had to be ontop of constantly vote-kicking the bots that did join every 2-3min.

Thanks for the info. Just finished setting it all up; trigged a mass search for everything that was missing and now I’ve got a good 200+gb to download :D

I’m pretty damn impressed with the speed. Pushing 50 almost 60mb/s where as torrents usually top out around 10-15 if I’m lucky, usually closer to 1 or 2.

Do you use a vpn with usenet? Is it even necessary as you aren’t hosting like with torrents?

Have you found it easier to find less popular titles/things that there just doesn’t seem to be seeded torrents for?

I recently added Ombi to my setup, allowing my users to request media; now I’m getting more and more requests for media I just haven’t been able to find.

Seriously, how did it take till 2023 to make this into a movie?

Those often come with fine print and custom firmware (it’s a rewards program google offers/partners with power companies for) that allows the electric company to forcibly set the temp higher than you’d like, usually during peak demand like a heat wave. I’m not big on others deciding what temp I should be.

Yup: there’s a current transformer on each circuit leaving the breaker panel (up to 14 different circuits), one on each of the main feed lines, and then a small plug-in voltage transformer to measure voltage, phase angle, and frequency.

It takes all that data, polling each sensor a few dozen times a second, calculates power usage, stores, and presents it all with the above graphs in a simple little web interface. It can also export that data to more powerful graphing/data analysis solutions, but I’ve been pretty happy with what’s onboard.

You can see the live data too:

(2 phases of a 3 phase apartment supply. Outputs are math output of multiple inputs. Ex: Main_A+Main_C=Total_Power)

The setup inside the breaker panel is something you should hire an electrician for if you aren’t extremely confident and knowledgeable about what you’re looking at. There is a lot of potential to injure yourself or burn your house down, even with all the breakers off.

Not a bad thing. It’s nice to know where your money is going to know if there’s places you could easily save.

Installed an Iotawatt a couple years ago to track power usage of the whole house and individual circuits.

The AC in my living room has used 3.35kwh so far today, and the main plugs circuit that has my server and a portable AC unit on it has used 5.56kwh.

I get the same problem if I send links with my personal domain to some people, while others receive them just fine.

It’s not limited to Apple or Android either, so I’m pretty sure it has to do with some sort of spam filtering at the carrier level.