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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Better let Andrew Hussie know MSPaint is useless.

Manosphere is a very specific thing. They’re the Andrew Tate types. If it’s a legitimate form of mental health or self care thing, it isn’t Manosphere. Hell, if it’s mental health, it’s rarely branded as male orientated because it’s genderless advice.

You’re creating this weird narrative in your head. The feminists you have a problem with are a minority who are only visible because they’re gaming the algorithm. They have no effect on your daily life.

Mao’s Great Leap Forward was him trying to push Communist ideology onto nature. He had one hammer in his tool box and tried using it on everything.

What do you really want to say? You’re trying very hard to say both sides are wrong without being labeled as a centrist.

“Toxic left wing” pundits haven’t gotten their followers to storm the capital building or fly a plane into an irs biulding. If you’re really mad someone has opinions on video games, install a 3rd party channel blocker for firefox. The things the toxic femists/pick-me types are up to pale in comparison to the manosphere are up to.

Also a terrible person. The world’s big enough for there to be many terrible people in it. You need to create a very robust bureaucracy to keep corruption out and maintaining one is a very unglamorous job. Revolutionaries rarely have that skill set.

Don’t forget the times dictators try to enforce communism onto nature. Mao’s Great Leap Forward killed tens of millions.

If they don’t have any other Italian options, Olive Garden might be ok. Also, fast food brands can vary a lot around world.

That being said, Olive Garden is pretty mid.

Because people who can’t make their own discussions need an authority to follow. In the US, they turn to fox news, AM radio, or manosphere podcasts. Most of them have serious daddy issues.

First time hearing about that?

Imagine having the US having a president that actually cared about climate change. The powers that be couldn’t risk another Jimmy Carter.

I know what it’s a portmanteau of. It’s fucking stupid.

Where the hell did you find the term “Scienceface”. I just checked with Google Trends and there’s not enough instances to chart any use.

I’ve seen it used to end discussions. People repeat the wisdom of the phrase without understanding what you just said.

I mostly agree with you, but it’s often used as a phrase to shut down further discussion even when there could be an invisible third event that’s the cause for the two seemingly unrelated events. It’s gets over used by people who want to be quick to sound smart.

I had a common usename and a common first 6 letters of the password. Then 3 numbers that were different from each forum and that was written down. Not great, but it would take some serious leaps of logic even if my system was compromised. I also took password generation more seriously if it was attached to a payment system, so things like Amazon, ebay or PayPal had much larger, more random passwords.

Ease of use for the moderators and end users. How many user names and passwords would I have to keep track of before? The effort isn’t much, but it adds up.

Reminder, the US government has caves filled with cheese.

The cartridges that come with printers are reduced volume.


ThinkGeek use to be great. Still have the titanium spork I got from them for conventions and the “if you’re not part of the solution you’re part of the precipitate” tshirt.

I’m not disagreeing with you, but you should really at least name a documentary and share some insight that it brings.

Reminds me of old school slashdot. A mix of techies, skeptics and libertarians. Luckily, the Demon Haunted World quotes stuck over the Ayn Rand junk. Last time I went on slashdot, it seems the libertarians took over. Never thought I’d see anti vaxxers there.

I’m having an easier time arguing with tankies then I did with right wingers. Right wingers don’t even believe themselves, so they shift the goal posts around to suit their needs.

You fear the people that really own the technology, not the technology itself.

There’s a lot those generations did wrong, but your phone habits are your problem. If you want something with more substance, download some novels onto your phone. Project Gutenberg has tens of thousands of Public Domain works on it.

Every startup trys billing themselves as a new, sexy tech company, even when they’re not. It looks good to venture capitalist investors. Uber is the same way. They’re a transport company, not the next google.

You need to call ahead with hotels if you’re going to be late to check in, but otherwise, they’re good.

Edit: dont know why I’m being downvoted. Ever reserve a hotel room for a big convention and show up at 10pm of the check in date? They will give it to someone else because they’re betting on you being a no show. You gotta call them if you’re doing a late check in.

Group think fashion is bad regardless of generation.

I’ve also seen a lot of self identified progressive Xers and boomers that need to be explicitly taught these things. One was a terf before he looked around as his fellow terfs. Another was oddly possessive of Bugs Bunny in drag when he found out that some consider that episode a pro-trans episode. A whole lot of them don’t pick up on the anti environmental subtext in their comic book movies.

Meh. That’s not that bad.

I heard kids think crocs are fashionable now though. That’s un acceptable.

A BB under the valve stem cap will deflate the tire without causing real damage.

Ok, but can we prove he has a shit personality? Besides, wouldn’t you be cross if you’ve seen the world continuously make the wrong decisions.

Meh. He’s a creative type with a high work standard. He’s also pro socialism and sympathetic to workers.

Edit: citation https://walessince1945.wordpress.com/2020/11/11/hayao-miyazaki-the-miners-strike-and-wales/

If the fediverse has to join with Zuck to live, it’s better off dead.