Wdym the nearest friend is far, the bugs on the trees are literally right there! They’re friends too.
Tho good point on the last part. Indeed even as a kid if we weren’t strategizing about how to best drown some ants we were talking about Dragonball Z or Gormiti.
Idk. This shit is why I decided to get into piracy rather than paying so much to a stupid corporation.
I don’t want to reward their shit behaviour, if anything because if it works others will follow suit and soon enough you will have to do this shit for all subscriptions.
Disable automatic downloads if it isn’t a multiplayer game, and if it is get a singleplayer plan b game (make sure to allow downloads in the background if on steam that way the other game updates while you play)
Wdym the nearest friend is far, the bugs on the trees are literally right there! They’re friends too.
Tho good point on the last part. Indeed even as a kid if we weren’t strategizing about how to best drown some ants we were talking about Dragonball Z or Gormiti.