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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


I guess the libraries and schools can make the decision and throw out things they don’t find useful.

It probably also depends on the book. I have tons of outdated books on obscure topics within engineering, science, and computing. I doubt anyone would check out my 1995 book on the Vi text editor from a library. Although, if I’m lucky, perhaps it could be a collectors item some day. In reality, I’m probably going to just say “thank you for helping me so many years ago” and respectfully recycle the book.

Mind if I ask where? I would love to see the glow worms some day. I have only seen videos, but it looks amazing.

A bit more historic, but still very relevant. The FBI used surveillance in repeated attempts to discredit Martin Luther King JR. It’s chilling how they used the information they gathered to try to get rid of MLK any way they could. They were even trying to use information they gathered to convince him to commit suicide.

Regardless of the other stuff, deputy spam catcher is and extremely valuable contribution to the community. I have requested this of people on Lemmy and been pleasantly surprised by how willing people are to help.

This especially holds true for niche subjects. I love back country skiing so I created and moderate /c/Backcountry . The mirror community on Reddit is extremely small and dumb crypto spam sits around for days before removal because there is only one mod. He seems like a cool person dedicated to the sport, but he just can’t be there all the time. I created the community in the hopes that I can invite and keep a larger mod team.

When you are filling out the web form with your password it’s stored plain text in the web browser and accessible via JavaScript. At that point, a JavaScript function checks the requirements like length and then does the salting/hashing/etc and sends the result to the server.

You could probably come up with a convoluted scheme to check requirements server side, but it would weaken the strength of the hash so I doubt anyone does it this way. The down side of the client side checking is that a tenacious user could bypass the password requirements by modifying the JavaScript. But they could also just choose a dumb password within the requirements so it doesn’t matter much… “h4xor!h4xor!h4xor!” Fits most password requirements I have seen but is probably tried pretty quickly by password crackers.

Perhaps they validate the passwords client side before hashing. The user could bypass the restrictions pretty easily by modifying the JavaScript of the website, but the password would not be transmitted un-hashed.

It is worth pointing out that nearly any password restriction like this can be made ineffective by the user anyway. Most people who are asked to put a special character in the password just add a ! to the end. I think length is still a good validation though and it runs into the same issue @[email protected] is asking about

In the us it isn’t too hard to get a title for a kit car. It needs an inspection and emissions test in most states, but it’s certainly possible and people do it regularly.

Yeah, automatic posts drive me away faster than anything. Good point on cross posting though, I just followed your advice. It’s pretty much free if your post fits in multiple places and there are lots of nearly empty communities right now.