• 4 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


I’ve personally floppa’d three transphobic senators

Is there an app for kbin? I’ve been using Jerboa for lemmy and like it. Browsers and web pages don’t feel right on mobile. But I do like the idea of kbin being connected with mastodon.

Stability is the bigger difference.

I was really into Overwatch when it started. When I got into Master/Grandmaster, every tiny lag spike would happen at the worst time. It convinced me to run a 250’ cable throughout our house lol.

I understand the sentiment, but this isn’t always true. Some workers need unions while working for non-profit companies.

The difference is more to do with the power imbalance between workers and managers.

If an employee is trying to skip hours, their manager has power over them. The manager can fire them, cut hours, or dock pay.

If a manager is trying to skimp pay, they still have power over the employee. The employee cannot make demands to the manager because they have no leverage.

But if all the employees join together? Now they have collective bargaining. This is what unions are for. Its to try and balance the inherent power imbalance.

Workers of the world, unite!

Right? Whenever someone is confused about my dislike of conservatives, they act like I disagree with their tax policies.

Obviously there are bigger things at issue here.

Oh No! Sam Seder! What A Nightmare!

Steven Crowder does i guess lmao

Oooohh understood. Yeah that makes sense. I thought you were making a sweeping generalization and I got confused. All good.

I think that’s a bit of a stretch. Its entertainment and that’s why I watch it. But even my favorite podcasters are very clearly coming from an angle with their opinions. This isn’t a secret.

Like, I enjoy watching Hasan. But the first show I watched of his was literally called “AgitProp” lol.

To be clear, this is not my chart. I strongly disagree with like… 95% of it. But news and politics is interesting to me, especially the agendas of the people speaking. So this is really funny to me.

And its not just internet news that has a bias - everything will. Thats fine though, just try to understand the bias.

Bingo. Probably should’ve made that more clear.

Lmao i need them to legally drive


Realistically, they are fairly similar. The real crime is saying Hasan is more toxic than Vaush.

“Msnbc-lite” obviously

Full disclosure, I have no idea what this is trying to say and it looks like the ramblings of an insane person. But I think some of the conclusions are funny.

That you aren’t terminally online. Congrats!

I’ve gone from every day smoking to nothing multiple times. Never had trouble getting to sleep. But I did have wildy fucked up and vivid dreams.

I have no idea what the meaning behind that is. But if my only withdraw symptoms are “vivid dreams”, is it really that bad? In the grand scheme of drug withdrawals, that’s super mild.

Omg i love bisexual lighting

Lol its kind of funny you’re surprised someone with the name Zuckerberg is Jewish.

Criticisms are totally valid. But maybe avoiding racial ones is a good idea.

Oh fuck. I always thought Zuck=Lizard person stemmed from the complete lack of emotion in his face. And all the other billionaire stereotype shit. Didnt make the antisemitism connection until now.


I know most people aren’t as lucky but I like my job. It pays well and its important. So I feel kind of bad when I slack off. But I still cover for my coworkers when they’re slacking off. And make sure I give others the credit when I help out. And take those breaks, people fought for those.

I think the ego death was beautiful. I changed so much as a person because of it. Hard to believe who I was before. A lot of trauma was unpacked and coming to terms with who I really am.

DOC was very similar to LSD but the dosage was difficult to manage. Only had two trips. One was too little and felt like microdosing. Other was too much and… 24 hours is a lot. I remember shaking nonstop during it. I also remember being scared of a dark figure following me. But near the end I realized I was just scared of my own shadow.

There was one time I took way too much DOC and had a life changing experience. I was tripping for 24 hours, felt like I lost all meaning of myself, was filled with despair, but felt connected to everything and everyone. Afterwards I found the term “ego death” and well… yeah that happened.

While I’m an atheist now, I was raised catholic and really believed in everything until 20 or so. Without experiencing that ego death, I might still believe today.

I recently went through self checkout at Lowe’s and the guy watching all 8 checkouts saw me struggling to put a bag of soil onto the scale. He told me I didn’t have to do that, they turned the scale function off.

It was my fourth bag so I was kinda pissed, but apparently they can just disable the scale.

I skipped edgy atheist and went straight into anti-sjw during gamergate. I had some upsetting opinions for a couple years. Then I smoked weed, did some shrooms, realized I’m bi, and became an atheist. Quick little 180°.

Couple years ago I went back through my YouTube history to see what I was watching. And holy fuck that shit was fucked and escalated quickly. Glad I got out.