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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


I wrote a nice long reply and it disappeared. Here’s an abbreviated version.

Would an analysis of all current research be enough evidence? They conclude that there is no significant difference of cat heath when fed a nutritionally sufficient vegan diet.

yes, thanks, I’ll read that later.

The obsession with “natural diet” is bizarre in the first place. Are you feeding your cat small songbirds and mice, or are you feeding them dry food made with meat they never would be ankle to hunt for in the wild?

It’s not bizarre, it’s pretty intuitive. Veganism is an ethical concept, which applies to humans not animals.

This is a contentious issue for most people, and it can be hard when you are very passionate about something to look at the evidence and change your opinion.

Agreed, and using “obsession” and “bizzare” is gonna ruffle some feathers, proving your own point.

Meat is not required for pets as there is enough studies to suggest this conclusion.

Bold claims require bold evidence. Natural meat eaters should naturally eat meat. To say otherwise requires a loooot of evidence.

Your comment.

callous oversimplification of the reality of what’s happening

Kick out the jams:

I (early GenX) grew up with I have not seen an eye opener in the past months.

I don’t see a problem with the phrasing. Jams is saying “this is what I saw” which is really a product of their environment. This isn’t a ban-worthy comment. This is an educational moment. This is an opportunity to say “that’s not what happened, you were fed a bunch of propaganda.”