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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 06, 2023


Yeah it’s a mental illness. ADHD sucks and makes so many things hard.

Doesn’t mean we aren’t smart, or capable, but it is definitely limiting in a lot of ways.

Pretty much every day. I think it’s because we have a limited capacity and for many of us our job requires us to mask to some degree and it just takes all of our energy, even if it isn’t physically or even intellectually demanding. There’s no reason I should feel completely drained and demotivated by just sending emails, but it is what it is.

I try to go somewhere quiet and lay on the floor or something. Or literally touch grass - get feet in the dirt, listen to the wind in the trees, that sort of thing. And stay away from screens for a bit. I’m still trying to find ways to help regulate my nervous system since I need different things on different days but those are some of the most effective for me.

I often do that too. Sometimes I literally lay on the floor. I’m becoming more and more aware of my limited capacity and I’m trying to figure out better ways to regulate it so I don’t feel entirely zapped all the time.

It honestly changed my life when I started meeting with friends at specific times each week to lift weights. Having it be an actual appointment that would affect others if I didn’t show up made all the difference. I was super excited to be there and never missed a day.

Then their schedules changed and they are no longer available when I am. I still like working out… but it’s so hard to make myself do it and I am super inconsistent now. It depresses me to think about it

I need to get more. It is legit. I don’t know how the quality of the supermarket stuff but I had some from a local farmers market and it was awesome. The guy grows all the mushrooms himself and sells them fresh and dried and the extracts. He also sells the stuff to grow your own. But the fresh stuff he had was really helpful to me before I knew I had ADHD. I just thought I had brainfog but that stuff really helped with focus for me.

I’m on meds now that help too but I’d like to get some more lions main as well

This is very true. It can be hard to get started but it makes a huge impact

I also recommend writing down symptoms - For me it varies a lot from day to day and it can be difficult to remember what the more extreme symptoms are like when I’m not experiencing them.

That’s a great idea! I did start writing some things down but not with dates or times so I’ll start a proper log

I will try that! I have never had to worry about it in the past so that will be an adjustment

Thank you! I love reading other anecdotes as well and that is a big part of why I decided to get diagnosed and try medication.

I will definitely mention that if I continue to have this issue or have other issues. I have a follow up in about a month. The Focalin XR is supposed to be extended release too - for me it seems to last around 8 hours or so which is about what I want because the main concern I have is with work. Outside of work I can structure my life to be pretty ADHD friendly

This video was really helpful to me! The Struggle to Relax: Why ADHD Makes it Tough

Personally, I like to tinker with stuff - nothing that requires a ton of concentration, but just taking stuff apart and putting it back together.

If I have an audiobook, listening to that while doing a repetitive task is really relaxing as well. Things like knitting or crochet seem really good for this - I don’t do either of those but I have other little crafting type things that I do.

I also like to re-watch old startrek episodes while scrolling lemmy but that feels less relaxing.

I used to do videogames a lot and that was fun but also less relaxing then the other things.

Just started meds
I just started meds for the first time (Focalin XR). I'm on day 2 and it has been great so far as while I am on them I can actually choose what I want to focus on. It is a total game changer - stressed about stuff that I have to do in 3 days and feeling like I'm going to spiral out of control into a pit of anxiety and misery? Nope, I'll just focus on what I'm doing today and know that I can take care of that when it is time to do so. I was even able to go to multiple stores and places that would normally overstimulate me and stress me out without any issues. The first downside I have noticed happened today - when I get hungry I get REALLY hungry and really irritated - extreme hangry. I had read that stimulants normally suppress appetite but that when you come off of them the appetite catches up and you can get really hungry. Apparently that happens to me so I'm going to have to be careful about that and maybe make sure I have a meal planned around the time that they will wear off. Anybody else have that experience? Or any other interesting experiences about being on meds?