Was it dismissing or just not understanding? To be honest my recollection is a bit fuzzy.
I’m a little afraid to be having this conversation lest I be accused of prejudice against trans or nonbinary folks, a prejudice I try my best to fight against. But I don’t even understand the connection there since we already have well-established systems of pronouns for such people.
Personally, I truly can’t fathom why neopronouns are necessary and while I don’t want to disrespect anyone, they are so uncomfortable to use that it just makes me not want to address someone who uses them… especially when they are implicitly linked to having sex with non-human mythological creatures.
But maybe I am just ignorant. Drag was my first introduction to this concept. I’d like to learn more about this.
My time to shine! Most have already been posted but here are a few more niche ones.
I wonder what kind of structure they used. I’m also a mod mainly because somebody has to be. But my communities are small and not controversial so I haven’t had to do anything controversial either. It’s mostly that I’m willing to keep an eye on things.
However, maybe I should walk the walk and start thinking about how that might work in case they grow to the point where more moderation becomes necessary.
The Lemmy/Reddit moderator structure is a failure. Communities should have democratic governance.
On this specific issue I think everyone involved needs to take a deep breath, step away from the issue for like 24 hours, and talk to each other respectfully to work out how this should be resolved. But that is just my opinion.
In my opinion it was a mistake for Lemmy to copy the same failed moderation model as Reddit.
In offline politics, we’ve learned from history that non-democratic governance always leads to the abuse of power. But somehow we imagined that in the online world this same dynamic would not play out. However, I don’t have a fully formed alternative in mind right now. It’s a thorny issue.
And I’m not trying to shit on LW admins here. I generally think they’re doing their best. But they’re only human, and it’s hard not to respond to people being shitty to you without being shitty to them. If you have an issue with what they’re doing, I would highly recommend you approach it in a polite way. Not just because it’s likely to have a better outcome. It’s also just the right thing to do.
Marxism-Leninism is fundamentally a right-wing ideology. It’s a right-wing ideology that is very much at odds with the dominant right-wing ideology in the West, but if you blur your eyes and take a step back, you’ll see the same thinking at play. Once you realize this, the whole situation starts to make a lot more sense.
How can one accept or reject a thing without understanding what it is they are accepting? Is not immediately changing the way one speaks without a reason or even an explicit request equivalent to denying someone’s identity? I don’t think my discomfort with neopronouns is because I reject anyone’s identity. I don’t even understand what such a person’s identity is. Unlike established pronouns, neopronouns do not have any meaning at all to me because I’ve never heard them before and no one has defined them. What do they signify? I assume something different for each one, so what is it? I’ve always been careful with my language, so using words without a clear understanding of their meaning makes me uncomfortable.
Language is a very meaningful topic for people. Both for the speaker and the spoken to. We have all been acculturated to speak in a certain way, and to understand the meanings of such speech in a certain way. I don’t think asking people to change the way they speak is as trivial as you seem to imply. Nor is declining to change the way one speaks the same as saying “I reject your identity”, unless such a meaning is intended.
And of course I understand that someone may not want to have this (or any) conversation. But I also feel that you can’t expect people to change without them understanding why they need to change. Most people hate change, it’s just human nature. So if you choose not to educate people, you’ll have to accept that they remain ignorant until such time as someone takes on that burden.