• 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


maybe some can disgest animal fats not so well but i have no proof for my claim so i guess your argument pointing out the trans fats is way more legit.
and i know that trans fat is dangerous or at least makes some dangerous sicknesses more likely

Thank you for pointig out my error ^^

depends on the person i guess

wsh that you klck on my lnk

ich bin mir sicher ein geschmeidiges sitzpolster ist ihm wichtig

why do you have to hurt me this way?

genause wie notarzteinsätze und andere hilfen

now stop throwing rocks only because i am on a ladder Ò.Ó

dat left guy holds the book weirdly

zum glück ist das ganze eher verfassungswidrig. aber schade, da dort so viel energie reinverschwendet wird. Die sollten lieber den Lohn für Ehrenamtlichte und FJBler erhöhen. ich glaube FJBler erhalten nur so um die 2€/stunde, zumindest meinten das die FJBler bei uns

that means womans have to get lesbians to avoid penises, got it

browser on pc, app on phone

another prophecy of the simpsons that came true. and dont correct me if i got the name wrong, it looks funny to me so i think it is good enough. Or do it, will not edit it anyway

i was there, placed a cube, happy with my adblocker and left for my daily 10 minute dose of modcoord where i look at the first one or two post and answer questions about lemmy

i dont understand the joke. Could you explain it?
Edit: Oh, chrome is some metal stuff so they could be called rocks but are not rocks. Sorry for my bad writing i woke up only 5 minutes ago


you sound like a very good father and a nice dude in general (⌐■_■)
So i hope everything works out well for you and your son and that you have a lot of happiness ^^
(i dont really know what else i could say)

never going to correct that :p

a lot of other childs thought it is weird so i think your reaction is pretty normal ^^

then sorry for my comment. I did not see how much you already done and how irresponsible she is at least to raising her child what i think is the bare minimum contribution to a relationship. (there i intepret much out of a childs perspective with a very lazy mom)

from what i´ve read your relationship might be ducked entirely and that seeking professional help likely is the best idea.
and if the relationship going to break you could still co parenting or even life together as roommates but not be in a romantical relationship

again sorry that i brought up some sad stuff and i hope you still have a nice time together with your kid ^^

he looks like he is very good at grainding

then the last name or a nick name

my siblings do this. it mainly worked/adapted to this because:

  • our parents gall each other with the first name
  • it was annoiying for them to differentiate our 5 different voices to all the other childs at the playground or parades and other public events where a bunch of kids where present

Edit: and i like the system more because i was very annoyed that i had to call other parents: {friends} mom, can i have a drink? because never heard their name. Thatvwas already infurating during kindergarden times

thanks, best monday of the month so far, thanks to you ^^

if the gif works you can embed the gif with ![](link to gif) directly in chats (embetting pics works the same way)

there are definetly a few instances with disabled downvotes

then maybe talk to her about trying new things and that repetitiveness is unsettling
maybe bring some ideas where she can decide at least part of it
maybe you are long enough together that you already did everything so you could refresh old stuff or you could buy the lingerie or toys and say that you would like to test them out

maybe she does not notice how much it annoys you and she may has less fun too so she only does the nessesary

and if worst comes: you could make an somewhat polygam relationship (with lots of communications) where you booth allow cheating from time to time, but that definetly needs your partners consent

Edit: because of the long time without sexy underwear and (i put words in your mouth that could be untrue) that you never asked makes her think it is not important

Edit2: brainless thought -> she may would like it too if you are in some sexy underwear

and i dont think the triforce has to neccesarily has to do anything with zelda. It is still a very beautiful symbol that reminds me mostly of the Sierpiński triangle

the only think i think is sad about this picture that Data of star trek ever wanted to be a good human which feels like the opposite of sugar hill

oh nice, will save piped now for the future ^^

want to look for old meme templates? Then going to knowyourmeme and sorting by old might be a good idea
want to look for old meme templates? Then going to knowyourmeme and sorting by old might be a good idea

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