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Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


Yeah, I was actually just wrong, I found an older article that said it would be against the law in Europe and there were no plans to try it there.

Let’s be serious, the bank owns the place until it’s all paid off.

I feel like this mostly happens online, and relates to “Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory

In addition, the phenomenon of social media has made everyone decide that what they have to say is just as important as a Nobel Prize Winner or president because all of our tweets and posts look the same. Everyone gets a virtual podium. To relatively insignificant people, the notion that they can shout back at a famous person or expert and appear to be on equal footing is too enticing to resist. A great example is someone who never spent a single day in med school trying to tell our nation’s health experts that they were wrong about COVID for instance. The number of people with absolutely zero qualifications that thought their argument was worth making was depressing. Most would never do that in public and if they did, would simply be escorted out of the room and forgotten.

Damn dude, I’m gonna have to scrawl “for a good time call unga bunga” on a cave wall to beat this meme’s age.

That’s cause Elon’s a fucking troll on top of being a douchebag. At least Zuck has the decency to try to hide it.

Fair enough! Thanks for the in depth explanation!!

I can see the similarities, you have a good feeling at first and then at the end you feel sick to your stomach and a bunch of cars are lined up outside your house.

This probably would’ve been fine if they spelled “believed” right in the first place.