We probably don’t agree.
I probably said something you didn’t like.
You look lovely, by the way. New shirt?

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


They really need to rename it something that actually sounds as serious as it is, like ExecutiveDysfunctionDisorder (EDD) or some shit. My entire life was being played on Legendary difficulty due to no diagnosis until I was in my late fucking 20’s, and I was finally given medication and an understanding of all the ways my own shithouse brain has been holding me back.

I’m now slowly catching up on life. It fucking sucks.

Spent the day recreating my Spotify playlists on Innertune. Thank you SO much for this recommendation, it is exactly what I’ve been looking for in an alternative. There’s even a heap of shit available that I can’t find on Spotify.

For me, it manifests in being annoyingly early a lot of the time due to me overestimating how long something will take and being terrified of disappointing people.

Spotify is literally the only subscription service that I haven’t cut ties with, because as much as I hate its horrific data harvesting, I’m running it on GrapheneOS with legitimately next to zero privileges in a sandbox, and for what I’m paying, I truly do feel I’m getting my money’s worth. I use it every single day, and while I have all my music stored locally (as in legitimately scraped and downloaded, not ‘downloaded’), I only did so as a precaution just in case Spotify decides to fuck things up and I also choose to cancel it as well.

Holy shit, three replies in and someone is already grandstanding as some anti-racist hero by bringing up the crack epidemic.