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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


They provided me with a list of exceptions but these were all relatively vague and could be interpreted in many ways. For example “wanting not to support a terrorist state financially” was not on the list. Just saying that there may be a benefit to keep at least the expired passport. Maybe in which ever country op goes to, they might have more sensible rules than here.

I’d advise against it if purely for ease of life in your new home country. Some, like UK require you to still have dealings with your previous country.

For example if i want to change my surname to my wifes name, home office demanded that i change the surname in my original passport first. They even say that if you need to physically go to your country of origin to do so, you have to unless they will kill you (for example persecution of LGBT). But i donno what kind of proof they would need to support this claim.

I have a strong suspicion that “burned my passport as a statement” would not qualify, even if it means supporting a terrorist state with cash (because consular services are paid by cash in 3rd world countries.)

Thats really the right way to go about it, support the ideas not the absolute piece of trash implementations that only served to enrich the few. Both ccp and ussr were clear examples of that.