Cripple. History Major. Vaguely left-wing.
I mean, personally, I would note that US police departments are extremely uh, compartmentalized. I’m willing to accept that there are good cops out there, genuinely. But a good cop can only exist in a good department, and the structure of US policing makes good departments extremely unstable - and a good cop in a bad department inevitably either becomes no longer good, from accepting the abuses of their fellows, or no longer a cop, from their coworkers and superiors pushing them out.
Google reverse image turned up:
Just fanart for a game where your inner voices talk to you.
They can be. I mean, I don’t think xe is inherently less legitimate as a word. But I do think it’s ugly and unnecessary, as are neopronouns in general. I have similarly pedantic opinions on things like ‘irregardless’.
If someone asked me to use ‘xe’ I would out of courtesy, but I would much prefer we all come together and agree that the singular they is the best choice for the job.
“God I wish the institutions of power were more hostile to LGBT people” - least insane user
Fascists don’t believe in might makes right. If they did, they’d all be liberals and communists, according to the end of WW2. What fascists believe is that their ‘enemy’ can be crushed because the enemy is too weak and effete to fight back. The proper way to dispel such a notion is to crush them and look fabulous doing it
Western chauvinism is when you criticize right-wing strongmen, and the more you criticize the right-wing, the more chauvinist it is.