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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


I read a little into it yesterday, looks like it’s one of those “off label” uses that have been known to be used for adhd.

I used to smash a monster recovery on the drive to work, pick up a large iced coffee from McDonald’s on the way in, finish that by lunch, and drink my second monster recovery after.

I stopped all that cold turkey back in 2020 and now rarely have a morning cup of coffee that I never finish.

It’s wild looking back on that, so much stress and caffeine. I’ll never go back to it though, and I don’t miss it one bit.

sub specific upvote downvote rules?
I think that most folks use upvote/ downvote as an v agree/ disagree. But maybe there could be, in the long run, a place where other votes could be made. Dm it's more like a song quality system, maybe similar to customer support reviews you get agree after dealing with a customer support call . I.e. rates under multiple fields like below: 1. Votes for meeting community guideline 2. Votes for quality of content posted 3. Votes identifying spam or other third party links that draw users into other platforms (only fans for now, but could be more nefarious as it grows) 4. Troll downvote 5.?? A weight system would have to back that up to be able to provide an overall vote/downvote. I know it's overkill, but it's a random thought I had that will hopefully garnet enough attention to spark conversation some how this place can provide an abstraction and something different from what most of these platforms currently provide. It isn't insightful, we see up and down Votes but don't um understand the reasoning behind them. Consider it a couch thought. Happy to have others chime in on the good and bad reasons for this to exist or get thrown in the thoughts can.

Only place I’ve ever accidentally uploaded a dick pic and so glad I had like 2 friends on there who never checked lol. It was a fun 2 weeks.

They aren’t usually terribly noisy and you can control the fans through the emc/idrac/etc. I used to keep mine on my desk or entertainment stand and put a TV on it lol

You could buy an old 1u server on eBay

Is this an early attempt to solidify spam ad subs? Genuinely can’t tell.